The elucidation of the structure of the double helix by JamesWatsonand FrancisCrickin 1953 provided a hint as to howDNAis copied during the process ofreplication. Separating the strands of the double helix would provide two templates for the synthesis of new complementary strands, but exactly how...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Replication is the process by which DNA synthesis causes all the DNA in the nucleus to make a duplicate of itself. From: Nutritional Biochemistry (Second Edition), 1999 About this pageSet alert ...
I mentioned that the two strands run in the opposite directions. This means that when both strands are being synthesized in 5’ to 3’ direction, one will be moving in the direction of the replication fork while the other will move in the...
The termination of DNA replication involves convergence of replication forks, the completion of DNA synthesis, replisome disassembly and the decatenation of daughter DNA molecules. Recent discoveries illustrate how replisome disassembly in eukaryotes is
2 molecules of ATP for each pair of bases opened. In prokaryotes, the replication helicase surrounds the trailing chain, while in eukaryotes, the replication helicase surrounds the leading chain. The structure of DNA helicase is shown in Figure 9. The existence of helicase is very important for...
Because of DNA strand polarity, the bidirectional replication results in two distinct products, “leading” and “lagging” strands, according to the moving direction of the replication fork. The leading strand is synthesized as a single continuous chain, whereas the lagging strand is initia...
When new DNA molecules are synthesised, the information contained in the parental molecule is passed on with very great accuracy to the daughter molecules. The basic principle on which such accurate copying occurs is suggested by the double-helical structure of DNA; each strand serves as a templat...
Despite extensive studies on DNA replication, the exchange mechanisms of DNA polymerase during replication remain unclear. Existing models propose that this exchange is facilitated by protein partners like helicase. Here we present data, employing a comb
Accurate chromosomal DNA replication is essential to maintain genomic stability. Genetic evidence suggests that certain repetitive sequences impair replication, yet the underlying mechanism is poorly defined. Replication could be directly inhibited by th
DNA replication Student’s presentation (next week)Paper 2: Wang S, Wang JW, Yu N, Li CH, Luo B, Gou JY, Wang LJ, Chen XY. Control of plant trichome development by a cotton fiber MYB gene. Plant Cell (2004) 16(9): 2323-2334.Group 2 and Group 8 ...