coli, DNA polymerase. The isolation of a mutant of E. coli defective in DNA polymerase I activity (PolA 1 - ) provided the basis for several investigations into the nature of the enzymatic mechanism of DNA replication in such cells. After the isolation of the PolA 1 - mutant, it was ...
大家好,最近做实验需要用到DNA polymerase I,II,III敲除菌株,有没有哪位同学购买过或者用过这几种...
DNA Polymerase I In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology DNA Polymerase β (Pol β) is a key polymerase implicated in base excision repair (BER), a repair pathway responsible for repairing over 10,000 damaged bases per cell per day. From: DNA Repair, 2013 About this pa...
26. Sancar, A. and W.D. Rupp, A novel repair enzyme: UVRABC excision nuclease of Escherichia coli cuts a DNA strand on both sides of the damaged region. Cell, 1983. 33(1): p. 249-60. 27. Husain, I., et al., Effect of DNA polymerase I and DNA helicase II on the turnover ...
4. Shanbhag, Vinit., etc.Family A and B DNA Polymerases in Cancer: Opportunities for Therapeutic Interventions.Biolog (2018) 7(1): 1-16. 5. Modified DNA polymerases for PCR troubleshooting.Microbial genetics (2017) 58:133-142. 6. Pan, Wenjing., ect. DNA polymerase preference determines ...
A DNA polymerase involved in DNA replication in prokaryotes, is encoded by polB gene, and composed of 783 amino acids Supplement DNA polymerases are enzymes that assist in the replication of DNA. In prokaryotes, examples of these enzymes are DNA polymerases I, II, and III. The first known DN...
DNA Polymerase I(E.coli)是由带有编码E.coli DNA Polymerase I基因的大肠杆菌精制而成的,分子量约为109,000,最适pH7.4。在模板和引物(DNA或RNA)存在的条件下,以dNTP作底物,沿5′→3′方向合成与模板互补的DNA。此外,本酶还具有双链特异性的5′→3′外切核酸酶活性以及单链特异性的3′→5′外切...
DNA Polymerase I (E.coli) 发表于2024年10月17日由Wako和光纯药中国 详细信息 询价记录 相关实验 货号: 312-00951 供应商: 上海金畔生物科技有限公司 数量: 大量 规格: 500units Peptide/Protein/Enzyme(多肽/蛋白/酶) 温馨提示:不可用于临床治疗。
英文名称:DNA Polymerase I 保质期:长期 个月 保存条件:冷藏 产地:国产|进口 编号:JN0075 英文名:DNA Polymerase I 品牌:百奥莱博 规格:250U ??本品是依赖于 DNA 的 DNA Polymerase,具有双链特异性的5′→3′外切核酸酶活性以及单链特异性的3′→5′外切核酸酶的活性。该酶的 5′→3′核酸外切酶活性能够...