1. 按以下组分配制 LAMP 反应液Bst 3.0 DNA/RNA Polymerase (32 U/μl) 0.05~0.25 μl 10×Isothermo Buffer(Mg2+ free) 2.5 μl 100 mM Mg2+ Xμl dNTP Mixture (10 mM each) 3.5 μl 模板DNA/RNA 10ng~1 μg *10X Primers 2.5μl ...
Bst 3.0 DNA/RNA Polymerase (8 U/ul) 含甘油 描述: 与Bst 2.0 DNA 聚合酶和Bst DNA 聚合酶大片段相比,Bst 3.0 DNA聚合酶具有更佳的等温扩增活性和更强的 逆转录活性。无论以DNA还是RNA为模板,该酶都具有5’-3’的DNA聚合酶活性和强烈的链置换活性,但该酶5’-3’和3’-5’的外切酶活性缺失。
DNA (or RNA-)-Dependent RNA Polymerasedoi:10.1007/978-3-662-44185-5_100316RNA PolymeraseSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
【15】The next step of transcription is calledpromoter clearance or promoter escape. RNA polymerase must clear the promoter once the first bond has been synthesized. The promoter is a DNA sequence that signals which DNA strand is tran...
聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)属于DNA扩增技术,RNA实时荧光恒温扩增技术(simultaneous amplification and testing,SAT)属于RNA扩增技术,是一种以RNA为模板扩增出RNA产物,用RNA探针实时检测的恒温扩增技术,其具有灵敏度高、检测时间短、产物不易发生污染等优点,在临床上已经得到广泛应用。本文将介绍SAT技术...
至于为什么DNA复制需要先合成RNA引物、最后又要除去它,这主要与复制的高度忠实性(high fidelity)有关。然而,根据华中科技大学朱斌等人在线发表在2017年3月16日美国科学院院刊(Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.)题为“Deep-sea vent phage DNA polymerase specifically initiates DNA synthesis in the absense of primers”的论文...
PCR, RNA analysis, genomic DNA cloning, 5' RACE, sequencing, and labeling of DNA probes ssDNA dsDNA ssRNA dsRNA NA phi29 DNA Polymerase Rolling circle amplification Multiple displacement amplification Whole genome amplification(WGA) DNA sequencing ...
15.2.3Structure of Adenovirus DNA Polymerase Three regions of sequence homology have been identified (motif A, B, and C) in DdDp of which two (motifs A and C) are conserved between all known DNA and even RNA polymerases. These motifs contain residues critical for catalysis whose mutation sev...
Replicative DNA polymerases cannot initiate DNA synthesis de novo and rely on dedicated RNA polymerases, primases, to generate a short primer. This primer is then extended by the DNA polymerase. In diverse archaeal species, the primase has long been know
The template used for the synthesis of the new DNA strand can be composed of DNA nucleotides, in the case of DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, or RNA nucleotides, in the case of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase [commonly referred as reverse transcriptase (RT)], this latter being characteristic of ...