The Basques are an indigenous people who inhabit parts of both Spain and France. Today, the Basque Country, or Euskal Herria, is composed of seven provinces which are arranged in three district parts. Three provinces in Spain: Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, and Araba - compose the Basque Autonomous Communi...
we found complexity in the cline in the form of deviations from a straight line: (1) the main direction of variation does not align with ancient southern African foragers; and (2) several individuals appear to shift in the direction of present-day and ancient central African...
BIOMICs Research Group, University of the Basque Country, 01006, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain Iñigo Olalde Contributions S.M. built the original pipeline and data structures which were reimplemented with performance improvements and upgrades by M.M. A.M. managed data production, merging of datasets, an...
It was a Basque priest, St. Ignatius of Loyola who founded the Jesuits [Society of Jesus]. The Basques are traditionally an agricultural people farming sheep on small acreages in the mountains, they are also ship builders and seafarers. The Basques are believed to be the oldest surviving ...
geography, ethnic identity, social class, or religion. Long periods of intermarriage have left many endogamous populations with lower than average levels of genetic diversity. Examples of historically endogamous populations are the Amish, the Basque, and the various sub-populations of the Jewish ...
This study focus on the maternal genetic diversity of Basques, the last European population to have kept a pre-Indo European language, to increase knowledge of the origins of the Basque people and, more generally, on the role of the Franco-Cantabrian refuge in the post-glacial repopulation of...
LOL! Mine come from the Basque region and my daughter is from his father a Greek man, from Greek ancestors, still DNA’s tests didn’t mentioned much of that! She used Ancestry. Brother Nathanael October 19, 2018 @ 4:41 pm And S’more! Elmo 27 minutes ago Could you cover the...
R1b is the most common haplogroup in Western Europe, reaching over 80% of the population in Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, western Wales, the Atlantic fringe of France, the Basque country and Catalonia. It is also common in Anatolia and around the Caucasus, in parts of Russia and in Cent...
Within Peninsular Spain, the most thoroughly examined region in terms of human mtDNA genetic variation has been the Cantabrian cornice –in particular Galicia and the Basque area [18-21]. Galicians and Basques both share high values of mtDNA lineage H, and specifically of sub-clades H1 and H3...
(we analyzed the West Eurasian-related groups Basque, Crete, Cypriot, Egyptian, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian_North, Italian_South, Norwegian, Spanish, Syrian, Ukranian, and the non-West-Eurasian-related groups Brahmin_Tiwari, Chukchi, Han, ...