DNA methylation is an important factor in inducing cancer. There are different types of DNA methylation, and methylation at different sites plays different roles. It is well known that the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) is affected by the methylation of key genes. The pr...
今天分享的这篇文章基于现有研究总结了癌症DNA甲基化的变化,重点介绍了血液DNA检测对象的特征,包括ctDNA/cfDNA、CTC、外泌体和外周血单核细胞(PBMC),及其在临床研究中的应用。文章标题为:Blood-based DNA methylation signatures in cancer: A systematic review。 DNA甲基化是哺乳动物中研究最为深入的表观遗传修饰之一。
aberrant DNA methylation is considered a cancer-associated event。aberrant promoter methylation of several tumor suppressor genes was found in BrC precursor lesions, indicating that DNA methylation is an early event in breast carcinogenesis。DNA methylation has been proposed as a valuable cancer detection ...
今天分享的这篇文章基于现有研究总结了癌症DNA甲基化的变化,重点介绍了血液DNA检测对象的特征,包括ctDNA/cfDNA、CTC、外泌体和外周血单核细胞(PBMC),及其在临床研究中的应用。文章标题为:Blood-based DNA methylation signatures in cancer: A systematic revi...
(also known as CpGs) in DNA, causing the transcriptional silencing of the corresponding genes.DNA methylationis vital for proper cellular functions as observed in imprinting functions,embryonic development; however, the unnecessary methylation of certain genes can lead to the formation of a cancerous ...
【摘要】随着生物医学的发展,DNA甲基化(DNA methylation)标志物在癌症诊断、治疗选择及预后评估中的重要性日益凸显。本专家共识旨在全面梳理DNA甲基化标志物的检测技术、临床应用及其在肿瘤管理中的潜力。此外,本共识将围绕DNA甲基化标志物...
Cancer-specific DNA methylation patterns can be detected in tumour-derived free DNA in the bloodstream and in epithelial tumour cells shed into the lumen, offering a promising approach to the early detection of cancer. Clinical application will first require further validation and will ultimately be ...
[5] LUO H,WEI W,YE Z,et al.Liquid Biopsy of Methylation Biomarkers in Cell⁃Free DNA[J].Trends Mol Med,2021,27(5):482⁃500. [6] MARRUGO⁃RAMÍREZ J,MIR M,SAMITIER J.Blood⁃Based Cancer Biomarkers in Liquid Biopsy:A Promising Non⁃Invasive Alternative to Tissue Biopsy[J]....
P1: Cellular functions of DNA methylation 胞嘧啶甲基化在哺乳动物基因组中是普遍存在的,但可能在不同的基因组区域执行不同的功能。此外,即使DNA甲基化与转录沉默相关,其内在机制在基因启动子、基因体或重复序列上也不一定相同。在本节中,我们将讨论DNA甲基化的基因组效应和功能机制的最新证据。
[20] REID B M, FRIDLEY B L. DNA methylation in ovarian cancer susceptibility[J]. Cancers, 2020,13(1):108. [21] GUO X M, MILLER H, MATSUO K, et al. Circulating cell-free DNA methylation profiles in the early detection of ovarian...