A high-throughput DNA FISH protocol to visualize genome regions in human cellsCell BiologyCell-based AssaysHigh Throughput ScreeningIn Situ HybridizationMicroscopyMolecular BiologySingle CellHere, we describe an end-to-end high-throughput imaging protocol to visualize genomic loci in cells at high ...
DNA FISH protocol was modified with elongation of the PFA fixation step to 30 min, and was completed as described above. After the final wash in 2× SSCT, immunostaining protocol was applied as described above, starting with the step of blocking/permeabilization in 2% BSA + 0.2% ...
Biotechnology Explorer™ Fish DNA Barcoding Kit Curriculum Manual explorer.bio-rad.com Catalog #166-5100EDU Duplication of any part of this document is permitted for classroom use only. Please visit explorer.bio-rad.com to access our selection of language translations for Biotechnology Explorer kit...
In our previous work, we adapted a protocol based on sequential DNA-FISH28 to label a 210-kb genomic region on mouse chr3, spanning both the Sox2 gene locus in the F123 hybrid mESC line and its super-enhancer 110 kb downstream. By sequentially imaging these loci and tracing the ...
Here, we describe a robust and simple RNA-DNA FISH protocol, in which -labeled nucleic acid probes are used for RNA FISH. The method is suitable to detect single-RNA molecules simultaneously with DNA. 展开 关键词: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH Single-molecule RNA FISH Amino-labeled...
Replaced by Monarch® 离心柱法 DNA 胶回收试剂盒 on 十二月 17, 2024 Catalog # T1020 was discontinued on 十二月 17, 2024 快速、轻松地从琼脂糖凝胶中纯化 DNA,且产量高。 洗脱体积低至 6 μl 纯化柱经优化设计,可防止缓冲液残留和盐交叉污染 操作流程快速易用,显著节省时间 无需检测 pH 值或...
DNA-basedFish Species IdentificationScreening MethodPCR AmplificationGenomic DNARestriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) AnalysisAgilent 2100 BioanalyzerRFLP Pattern Matching SoftwareSpin Column-based ProtocolNucleic AcidsBinding BufferMicro-spin CupSilica-based Fiber MatrixPCR AmplificationPrimersRestriction Enz...
Once a clone was identified as containing a particular microsatellite marker, the BAC clone was labelled as a FISH probe to hybridise to chromosomes of A. farreri. In this way, they were able to map each microsatellite and BAC clone used for FISH to a particular corresponding chromosome and ...
However, a simple combination of RNA FISH and DNA FISH often generates disappointing results because the fragile RNA signals are often damaged by the harsh conditions used in DNA FISH for denaturing the DNA. Here, we describe a robust and simple RNA-DNA FISH protocol, in which amino-labeled ...
In addition, a DNA-FISH protocol was optimized for co-detection of Pseudomonas , the most predominantly co-occurring genus in contaminated MWF. Reliable quantification for both the test organisms was achieved at or above a cell density of 10 3 cellsml 1 , a recognized minimum limit for ...