contributed to Watson and Crick's derivation of the three-dimensional, double-helical model for the structure of DNA. Watson and Crick's discovery was also made possible by recent advances in model building,
For many of us, the story of how James Watson and Francis Crick arrived at the postulation of the double helical structure for the DNA molecule will be the account given by Watson in 1968 in his book The Double Helix. Though it is generally agreed that Watson managed to pack a remarkable...
9. 氮基 氮碱是编码遗传信息的DNA核苷酸的组成部分。DNA包括四个氮基——腺嘌呤、胸腺嘧呤、鸟嘌呤和胞嘧呤——它们附着在糖磷酸骨架上。 10. 核苷酸 核苷酸是DNA的基本成分。事实上,DNA只是一个非常长的核苷酸链。每个核苷酸由三个成分组成:糖脱氧核糖、磷酸基和氮基。每个核苷酸的磷酸基团与下一个核苷酸的糖...
Who discovered that DNA has a double-helical structure? a. Mendel b. Watson and Crick c. Punnett d. Morgan e. Sutton and Boveri Double-Helix: This is the structure of DNA. It means that there are two chains of nucleotides that are ...
DNA双螺旋(外文名DNA double helix)指的是一种核酸的构象,在该构象中,两条反向平行的多核苷酸链相互缠绕形成一个右手的双螺旋结构。简介 DNA双螺旋的碱基位于双螺旋内侧,磷酸与糖基在外侧,通过磷酸二酯键相连,形成核酸的骨架。碱基平面与假想的中心轴垂直,糖环平面则与轴平行,两条链皆为右手螺旋。双螺旋的...
helix n. 1.螺旋结构 Helix 大蜗牛 nickase(DNA) 【化】 切口酶 Structure n. 结构,构成;建筑物 vt. 设计,组织 structure n. 1.[U,C]结构;构造;组织 2.[C]构造体;建筑物 v. [T] 1.构造;组织;建造 DNA polymerase 【化】 DNA聚合酶 double a. 1.加倍的;两倍的 2.特大的;特强的 3...
structure resembling a ladder twisted into a spiral, called adouble helix.Each rung is made up of two chemical bases, callednucleotides,that are joined together by hydrogen bonds. There are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA molecule: cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine—C, G, A, and ...
C. Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule that contains the human genes, at Cambridge University. 1953年,科学家詹姆斯·D·沃森和弗朗西斯·克里克H.C.在剑桥大学发现了DNA双螺旋结构,该分子包含了人类基因。 1960 The U.S. Olympic hockey team won the gold medal, defeating ...
《双螺旋 : 发现DNA结构的故事 | The double helix2版》是1987年科学出版社出版 的图书,作者是J.D.沃森。图书简介 本书是作者亲身经历的重大事件印象记,记叙了怎样发现DNA双螺旋结构的过程。书中不仅有科学知识,亦有科学工作方法。全书文笔流畅,情节动人。本书可供有中等文化程度的广大读者,生物学、...