Estimation of TE insertion times correlated with in situ locations permitted the inference that helitron, Tc1-mariner, and CMC EnSpm DNA transposons accumulated repeated copies during W chromosome differentiation between 20 and 12 million years ago. DNA transposons and microsatellite expansions appeared ...
SINEs had the lowest methylation levels in all three contexts and stages of stem development. LINEs had modest methylation in all three contexts of methylation and also three developmental stages. Further research found that LTR Gypsy, LTR Caulimovirus, LINE L1, and DNA CMC-EnSpm, the ...
Other identified elements belonged to hAT, CMC-EnSpm, MULE-MuDR, and PIF superfamilies. A total of 67 elements also belonged to other superfamilies, such as Dada, Maverick, and Kolobok (Table 1). Insertion time analysis of LTR-REs According to nucleotide substitution between two terminal LTRs ...
Repeat type SINE/tRNA-Glu LINE/L1 LINE/L2 LTR/ERV1 LTR/ERVL-MaLR SINE/MIR LTR/ERVL DNA/hAT-Charlie DNA/TcMar-Tigger DNA/hAT-Tip100 LTR/ERVK DNA/Sola DNA/Novosib LINE/Penelope DNA/CMC-EnSpm others Tongcheng (%) 6573616(60.02) 2099477(19.17) 351925(3.21) 351849(3.21) 338203(3.09...
(including Copia, Gypsy, and LINE/SINE), transposons (including hAT, Mutator, DNA/CMC-EnSpm, and Tc1-Mariner), rDNA and satellites. Satellite repeats, which occupy 12.93% of the genome, make up the most dominant part of the repetitive DNAs in radish. The majority of retrotransposons are ...
Polymers 2018, 10, 100 PPoollyymmeerrss 22001188,, 1100,, 110000 ((aa)) ((bb)) 220000nnmm ((dd)) ((ee)) ((cc)) ((ff)) 4 of 8 44 ooff 88 F(P(FdF(PCeCi3iie3)gggCMCvMuPuuDiDTrc3rTree)eMe/)/psp22T2DD.i.i(.m/mN(CN(apaaCaA)DA)(ggaDT-TeN-et)tEsD)EsDAMTMNNi-Em...