答:引物越长,出现问题的概率就越大。有的公司合成过120base的引物,产率很低。除非需要,建议合成片段长度不要超过80mer,按照目前的引物合成效率,80mer的粗产品,全长(还不一定正确)引物的百分比不会超过40%,后续处理还有丢失很多,最后的产量很低。 6 需要合成多少OD数? 答:根据实...
DNA Molecular Weight Marker II, DIG-labeled has been used as a size standard in Southern blot analysis for nucleic acid labeling and detection. Features and Benefits 内容物 即用型溶液,含10mM Tris-HCl,1mM EDTA,pH 8.0。 Sequence 该混合物含有8个片段,它们的碱基对长度如下:125, 564, 2027, 2322...
J. Lee, "Laboratory production of 100 base pair DNA molecular weight markers," Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 1199- 1202, 2008.Microsugar C, Jhih-Hao W, Han-Jung L (2008). Laboratory pro- duction of 100 base pair DNA molecular weight markers. J...
dUTP这种类似物能够在复制过程中非常容易的插入到DNA的结构中,但是尿嘧啶碱基会在接下来的过程中被尿嘧啶-DNA-糖苷酶切除掉,这是碱基切除修复(base excision repair, BER)的基本功能。而在sof突变体中,高水平的dUTP便导致了高频率的dUMP错误插入以及高频率的BER,最终产生的结果便是新和成的DNA被严重片段化。然而,...
(average 716 bp), we hypothesised that they may be specified by hyper-motifs34, which are discriminatory DNA sequence patterns that are typically longer than classical transcription factor binding sites. To do this, we modelled the asymmetrical base composition of the core origin and its ...
The molecular weight of the sample was estimated by comparing the I(0)/c (where c is the protein concentration) of the sample to that of Ovalbumin. Cell culture The mESC line J1 was originally provided by the laboratory of Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch (Whitehead Institute). Dnmt1 KO mESCs were ...
The bacteriophage lambda (λ) DNA is fragmented in a restriction digestion withHindIII endonuclease. The digestion reaction results in eight double-stranded DNA fragments with the following base pair lengths (1 base pair = 660 Daltons): 125, 564, 2027, 2322, 4361, 6557, 9416, and 23130. ...
In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology The DNA binding footprint can be defined as the number of base pairs that a protein encompasses when statically bound to DNA. From: DNA Repair, 2018 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert On this page Definition Chapters and Article...
We also analyzed the impact of reductions in DNA quality by fragmenting DNA from one of the tumor reference samples (CRC 1 tumor) to an average fragment length of 200 base pairs. To that end, batches of 600 ng DNA were digested with NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase (New England BioLabs, M0348...
The UCSC genome database was used to access Human Genome 38 for read alignments in TTchem-seq. The MS proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE89 partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD047668. DrugZ analysis outputs from CRISPRi screens shown ...