DMXcat® makes it easy for anyone to control, analyze, or test any DMX lighting fixture, whether it’s a simple LED PAR or a complex moving light. The system cons…
型号:DMXCat 类型:综合参数测试仪 测量范围:5 **度:4 电源电压:2V 用途:4 加工定制:非加工定制 外形尺寸:6mm 重量:3㎏ 优势供应 City Theatrical 多功能测试仪 DMXCat 有需要 City Theatrical 多功能测试仪 DMXCat 的欢迎随时咨询,厂家直接拿货,价格货期保证让您满意。
DMXcat® 3.8(满分 5 分) 24 个评分 Derrick7E,2018/09/18 Could use some presets for arrays Presets like: all even #, all odd #. Presets for soca: 1,7,13, etc; 2,8,14,etc;...6,12,18,etc. Being able to name your DMXcat like something personal like “My Tester” would be co...
概述进口City Theatrical DMXCat 音频处理器 Delta 100 DSP进口GODDARDDESIGN HUB5音频处理器 将技术的功放与XTA品质的DSP相结合,Delta系列将性能和便利性都提升到了一个新的台阶。强大的处理功能,例如FIR滤波以及Dante网络,外加特的4本地+4辅助DSP通道(也提供给网络),使得单台Delta DSP功放可以控制一个立体声4 分频...
一、常迎涛担任职务:常迎涛目前担任许昌经济技术开发区迎涛百货零售店法定代表人;二、常迎涛投资情况:常迎涛目前是许昌经济技术开发区迎涛百货零售店直接控股股东,持股比例为100%;目前常迎涛投资许昌经济技术开发区迎涛百货零售店最终收益股份为100%;财产线索 线索数量 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、...
同行认可100 从业12年 专业有效 耐心细致 问题描述:便秘三四年了,拉的粑粑一粒一粒的又黑又硬,皮肤起了特别多痘痘,好烦好烦😡(女,20岁) 分析及建议: 建议口服克拉霉素及维生素b6,局部外用夫西地酸乳膏。 咨询时间: 2016-11-07 患者 便秘三四年了,拉的粑粑一粒一粒的又黑又硬,皮肤起了特别多痘痘,好烦好...
DMXcat® makes it easy for anyone involved in lighting to control, analyse, or test any DMX lighting fixture. DMXcat® consists of a small hardware dongle with a battery run time of 20 hours, and a suite of mobile applications. Together, they combine to bring wireless DMX and RDM ...
The DMXcat itself is a small, battery-powered interface with a 5-pin XLR for connecting into a DMX line (or fixture). It fits easily in a pocket or on a belt. Via Bluetooth, the DMXcat interacts with a series of apps (Android or iPhone) that can perform as DMX controller, fixture ...
网站导航:试题大全19>正文 题目题型:单选题 难度:★9.7万热度 新建一实体导出为参考模型,导出的文件后缀名是 A、 .refx B、 .mdmx C、 .atx D、 .txt 该题目是单项选择题,请记得只要选择1个答案! 正确答案 点击免费查看答案 试题上传试题纠错
DMXcat® makes it easy for anyone involved in lighting to control, analyse, or test any DMX lighting fixture. DMXcat® consists of a small hardware dongle with a battery run time of 20 hours, and a suite of mobile applications. Together, they combine to bring wireless DMX and RDM ...