本文集锦了R语言学习中需要用到的知识。可以作为入门了解之用,细节部分本文不做详解R语言介绍2、Rstools及package管理目前常用安装包的方式用三种:分为CRAN中的包/生物信息学相关包/GitHub里面的包#CRAN中的包#install.packages() 安装包#生物信息学相关Bioconductor #install.packages('BiocManger') #BiocMa ...
ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp cran.r-project.org dntp.epbi.cwru.edu ftp.uni-erlangen.de nbcgib.uesc.br 查看更多 相似文献 引证文献Functional conservation of RecQ helicase BLM between humans and RecQ helicases are a family of proteins involved in maintaining genome integrity with functions in DNA rep...
CRAN Packages By Name 结果恰好发现有一个叫smotefamily的包,于是碰运气下载导入后发现确实可用,但是函数用法又有错误,在help说明中看到了示例,于是对照示例改了自己的代码。 然后画图时出错,报错如下 Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : 在为'plot'函数选择方法时评估'x'参数出了错: incorrect number of...
Drawing a random sample of records of a table stored in a DBMSLuis Torgo
Creates an embeded data set from an univariate time seriesLuis Torgo
Drawing a random sample of lines from a CSV fileLuis Torgo
Counts the number of lines of a fileLuis Torgo