The app provides a range of services for OFWs, including the ability to create an e-registration account, apply for a digital Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) (which will be replaced by the OFW Pass), access important information like employment contracts and passport details, and find cont...
Accordingly, the Exchange Shares will constitute "restricted securities" for purposes of the Securities Act and the holders of Exchange Shares will not be able to transfer such shares except upon compliance with the registration requirements of the Securities Act or in reliance upon an available ...
ACS Independent:Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) 英华中学(自主)(提供IP和IB课程) AHS:Anglican High School 圣公会中学 ASS(And Sec):Anderson Secondary School 安德逊中学 BPGHS:Bukit Panjang Government High School 武吉班让政府中学 CHS:Catholic Hi...
B shall top up the difference when the title is transferred.D.甲方应于 / 年 / 月 / 日前完成提前还贷及抵押登记注销手续。 Party A shall repay all outstanding mortgage and cancel the current mortgage registration before/ E.待完成上述款项所述事项后的 5_日内,甲乙双方应前往房地产交易中心申请办理...