You must have a current vehicle registration and proof of insurance in the vehicle at all times while driving. Vehicle Code Section 16020 (effective July 1, 1985) requires all motorists to carry in the vehicle evidence of financial 33、responsibility in effect for the vehicle.? While on SD...
The key information to exchange in the aftermath of an accident includes:Name, address and contact details Valid CA driver license number License plate number of the vehicles involved Auto insurance or other evidence of financial responsibility fo...
To challenge speeding tickets, specifically, drivers must prove there was a lack of evidence for the violation, as some states, such as Alaska, consider speeding a “strict liability” offense. Motorists cannot be convicted for the charge if there is not sufficient proof that they committed the...
YoumustbecoveredbyliabilityinsuranceforatleasttheminimumamountprescribedbyStatelaw.Youmusthaveacurrentvehicleregistrationandproofofinsuranceinthevehicleatalltimeswhiledriving.VehicleCodeSection16020(effectiveJuly1,1985)requiresallmotoriststocarryinthevehicleevidenceoffinancialresponsibilityineffectforthevehicle.? WhileonSD...