Discover the meaning of degrees and radians, their relationship, converting degrees to radians, radians to degrees formula, and some worked out examples. Related to this QuestionConvert the DMS to decimal form, Round off the to four decimal places. 32 degrees 9' Convert the ...
7. Next, on cell H2, use this formula to get the DMS’ equivalent in decimal: =D2+E2/60+F2/3600, then hit Enter. Drag the formula all the way down to get the rest. Note: When doing this, take into consideration the latitude’s direction. If it says North on the Direction...
Suppose you want to convert 13 dm into m. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in m = 13 × 0.1 = 1.3 m Definition of Decimeter A decimeter (dm) is a decimal fraction of the meter, The international standard unit of length, approximately equivalent to 39.37 inches. ...
Suppose you want to convert 18 dm into cm. Using the conversion formula above, you will get: Value in cm =18 × 10=180cm Definition of Decimeter A decimeter (dm) is a decimal fraction of the meter, The international standard unit of length, approximately equivalent to 39.37 inches. ...
Close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window and return to the workbook.Click in the first cell under the LONGITUDE header (D2 above) and enter the formula =IF(RIGHT(B2,1)="W",-Convert_Decimal(B2),Convert_Decimal(B2)) What this is saying is that if the last character of ...
DMS to decimal and back again Hi there I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am working in longitude and latitudes in the southern hemisphere (Latitudes are negative) I have put in the following cell formula =TEXT(INT(G17),"0° ")&TEXT(INT((G17-INT(G17))*60),"0' ")&TEXT(...
decimal degrees: 40.446° N 79.982° W There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute. Then to convert from a degrees minutes seconds format to a decimal degrees format, one may use the formula To convert back from decimal degree format to degrees minutes seconds format, ...
Decimal Point Placement: The location of the decimal point is userselectable, and the decimal point control pins (DP1-DP3) are active low functions. Select the appropriate decimal point by tying the appropriate pin (pin 4, 5 or 6) to pin 3 (5V RETURN/ –BATTERY). Unused decimal point ...
High accuracy, ±1 count (±0.05%) Autopolarity changeover and overrange indication User-selectable decimal point placement Each meter incorporates an extremely stable, double regulated reference and is fully calibrated at our factory prior to encapsulation. We guarantee ...
Age was calculated in decimal units based on the date of the survey relative to birth date. BMI was calculated with measured height and weight and was standardised (z-BMI) by using age- and gender-normative data from the CDC [17, 19]. Abdominal obesity was defined using the sex and age...