DMR6编码了一个2-氧代戊二酸Fe(II)依赖性加氧酶(2OGO),在病原菌感染期间上调表达。DMR6及其同源类似物DMR6-Like Oxygenase1(DLO1)是植物免疫的抑制因子,在病原体感染期间会共表达。番茄中有两个AtDMR6直系同源基因:SlDMR6-1 (Solyc03g080190.3) 和SlDMR6-2 (Solyc06g073080.4)。其中只有SlDMR6-1响应...
DOWNY MILDEW RESISTANT 6 and DMR6-LIKE OXYGENASE 1 are partially redundant but distinct suppressors of immunity in Arabidopsis.The Plant Journal,81(2):210-222.Zeilmaker, T., Ludwig, N. R., Elberse, J., Seidl, M. F., Berke, L., Van Doorn, A., et al. (2015). DOWNY MILDEW ...
The analysis showed that WRKY40, WRKY70, and Downy Mildew Resistant 6 (DMR6)-Like Oxygenase 1 (DLO1) were significantly induced upon SA treatment in both the leaves and roots of 'Pei-Chiao' (AAA genome), 'Pisang Awak' (ABB genome), and 'Lady Finger' (AA genome) bananas. Conclusions...
The analysis showed that WRKY40, WRKY70, and Downy Mildew Resistant 6 (DMR6)-Like Oxygenase 1 (DLO1) were significantly induced upon SA treatment in both the leaves and roots of 'Pei-Chiao' (AAA genome), 'Pisang Awak' (ABB genome), and 'Lady Finger' (AA genome) bananas.Conclusions:...
Candidate S genes are Downy mildew Resistance 6 (DMR6) and DMR6-Like Oxygenases (DLOs), whose mutations confer resistance to DM in Arabidopsis. In this work, we show that grapevine VviDMR6-1 complements the Arabidopsis dmr6-1 resistant mutant. We studied the expression of grapevine VviDM...