A Radio ID is a unique number assigned to you (and your callsign) by theRadioID.netTeam. Like a telephone number or IP address, your Radio ID identifies you as a unique radio user on the various DMR networks and repeaters around the world. Because DMR is digital, we have so much more...
It also comes with a programming cable and free downloadable programming software. Manuals: Owners Programming Links: DMR ID registration page User registration Repeater registration Search: User advanced search (User Database button) Repeater advanced search (Rptr Database button) Contacts software: N0...
6.3.1 Making All Calls Procedure: 1 To select a channel with an active group ID, toggle the Channel Selector knob. 2 To call, press the PTT button. 18 MN007472A01-AA Call Alert Operation Chapter 7 Call Alert Operation Call Alert paging enables you to alert a specific radio user to ...
Repeaterbook API data is downloaded and cached in a user and platform-specific cache directory. Data will be refreshed if it is older than 12 hours. When downloading from Repeaterbook, a delay of 30 seconds is introduced between requests to reduce load on the repeaterbook servers. ...
- Downloads APRS packets to a computer (including messages) - GPS Roaming - CPS Hints throughout the software - Expanded User DB Memory (Holds 500K vs. 200K) - Both are FCC Part 90 certified - True Adhoc mode with no timeout
Contact Manager features direct connectivity to the Ham-Digital and Radio ID online databases. Worldwide call and user information is instantly available, and directly importable into any codeplug. No more manual retyping of contact information!
1.download image https://www.pistar.uk/downloads/ write it to card 2.insert card to rpi 3.wait to boot 5 minutes connect wifi Pi-star-setup pass raspberry 4.open http://pi-star/admin/5.set freq ,dmr id ,dmr mode,add home's wifi ssid...Default Username: pi-starDefault Password...
Login info:User:pi-star password:raspberrySet the same Callsign, DMR ID, Frequency, Color code, Repeater Slot visit http://www.pistar.uk/wifi_builder.php input your home ssid and psk ,then download the wpa_supplicant.conf inside with have your home ssid and psk,then save to TF card ,...
1.download image https://www.pistar.uk/downloads/ write it to card 2.insert card to rpi 3.wait to boot 5 minutes connect wifi Pi-star-setup pass raspberry 4.open http://pi-star/admin/5.set freq ,dmr id ,dmr mode,add home's wifi ssid...Default Username: pi-starDefault Password...
Here's what will appear when the program opens. Connect your programming cable and select Download Updated UserDB, then Flash. The DMR User Database is updated daily. My sincere thanks to the developers at GitHub and the BM Database Team for a job well done. ...