需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 碱溶液中DMPO~OH加合物EPR信号形成研究.PDF 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 第32卷 第3期 环 境 科 学 研 究 Vol.32ꎬNo.3 2019年3月 Research of Environmental Sciences Mar.ꎬ2019 碱溶液中DMPO~OH加合物EPR信号形成研究 ...
DMPODithiothreitolElectron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)GlutathioneHydrogen peroxideNon-thermal plasma (NTP)Recent developments in electronics have enabled the medical applications of non-thermal plasma (NTP), which elicits reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), such as hydroxyl ...
本人光照6分钟的样EPR强度比3分钟低了,羟基自由基也是一样的情况。发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
Time-resolved in situ radiolysis ESR (electron spin resonance, equivalently EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance) studies have shown that the scavenging of radiolytically produced hydroxyl radical in nitrous oxide-saturated aqueous solutions containing 2 mM DMPO is essentially quantitative (94% of the th...
KUBO Mꎬ SEKIGUCHI Kꎬ SHIBASAKI~KITAKAWA Nꎬ et al. Kinetic model for formation of DMPO~OH in water under ultrasonic irradiation using EPR spin trapping method [ J ] . Research on Chemical Intermediatesꎬ2012ꎬ38(9) :2191~2204....
碱溶液中DMPO-OH 加合物EPR 信号形成研究doi:10.13198/j.issn.1001-6929.2018.09.21曾丹王彬白英臣谌书董发勤朱静平黄胜Research of Environmental Sciences
Typical EPR signal of DMPO-OH adduct induced by Fenton reagents.Thiago C., GenaroMattosÂngelo, Q. MaurícioDaniel, RettoriAntonio, AlonsoMarcelo, HermesLima
本人光照6分钟的样EPR强度比3分钟低了,羟基自由基也是一样的情况。发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
Time-resolved in situ radiolysis ESR (electron spin resonance, equivalently EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance) studies have shown that the scavenging of radiolytically produced hydroxyl radical in nitrous oxide-saturated aqueous solutions containing 2 mM DMPO is essentially quantitative (94% of the th...