Fetch information on multiple DMP segments in one request. Sample Request http curl https GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/dmpSegments?ids=List(10804,10814) Sample Response JSON {"statuses": {},"results": {"10804": {"created":1505229200000,"destinations": [ {"created":1505229200000,"lastMod...
Audience size is based on all input data.In addition audience count takes opt-out instances into account whereas match count doesn't. The relationships between matched input and actual audience can be one-to-many in either direction (one source profile can either match to one, many, ...
Self-developed EOS Audio Engine The DMP-A8 utilizes the self-developed EOS (Eversolo original sampling rate audio engine) supporting output at all audio original sampling rates. In other words, any audio playback can entirely bypass the Android SRC limit
最近更新时间: 2024-09-27 10:30:21 广联达设计平台GDMP是一款具有强大几何建模能力的国产化设计平台,系统开放并具有广泛的适应性。该平台已在工程建设领域的设计、施工、运维等多个专业和领域应用中拥有深厚积淀,具备支撑多场景、全链路应用开发的能力。 目前广联达设计平台GDMP以多年的技术积累和支撑体系,已成功应用...
or computer. This all-in-one machine is a testament to the harmony of functionality and elegance. **Designed for Audiophiles and Home Theater Enthusiasts** The New DMP-A6 A6 master A8 decoder is a product that resonates with those who value the finer details of sound. Its sleek metal casi...
2024年持续助力行业标杆设计院及ISV生态行业产品成功;参加中央建筑企业数字化转型协同创新平台BIM软件创新联合体重点任务技术攻关;GDMP获上海第一届数建杯数字城市建设成果赛特等奖... 我们欢迎更多的用户和开发者加入我们,携手共同推进GDMP平台的发展,让我们一起实现共赢的未来!
Note that different header names of the same type are also considered duplicates, for example, firstname and fn are duplicate headers because they all refer to a first name. A header row must contain at least one of the following header names: Email Google Aid Google Uid First name and ...
A NEW EPOCH IS BEGINNING With years of development, DMP-A6 has reformed traditional streamers by solving pain points across the industry, it implies the beginning of a new epoch. DMP-A6 is an all-in-one player, with quad-core processor and large memory,
DMP-A6 is an all-in-one player, purpose-built for lossless music playback, and provides an unprecedented experience for music lovers that brings together your local music collection and online streaming in a simple, powerful system.
DMPs are just one cog in the wheel that is an app marketer’s tech stack. Building a tech stack that’s right for your business is complex, as you’ll likely need to choose between vendors and find multiple platforms that will work together. The number of martech options is overwhelming...