The Boa - ideal winter carabiner Rocio Siemens is a freelance mountaineering instructor based in North Wales and has recently been accepted on to the British Mountain Guide scheme. She regularly puts our kit through its paces in the course of her work and climbing for herself. Rocio sent us a...
DMM is a British climbing gear designer and manufacturer, based in Llanberis, North Wales UK. They are arguably the world's leading brand in metallic climbing hardware.We stock a wide range of DMM climbing gear, check out our collection below or read more about the brand via ourFull Brand...
A secondary forging process creates a recess in the carabiner nose that houses the gate notch. This creates a smooth inner profile that prevents snagging on gear, ropes and slings. It also means the nose of the carabiner is wider than the gate, guarding against accidental gate opening caused ...
(1) 0% (0) 50% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) () J 15/02/2024 Jez Captive Bars Fall Out Really liked the leash and carabiners, however on first day out BOTH captive bars (from both carabiners) were missing at the end of the day. They must have worked loose and fallen out. ...
For the past two decades, DMM has been working closely with Chris Cowell, Mark Bridge and Bernd ‘Beddes’ Strasser, practicing arborists and founding members of Treemagineers, to design, develop and create new products to suit specialist industrial and