DMF-Net: A decoupling-style multi-band fusion model for real-time full-band speech enhancement Abstract—基于深度神经网络的全频段语音增强由于难以对更多的频段进行建模和实时实施而仍然具有挑战性。以前的研究通常采用Bark和ERB尺度的压缩全波段语音特征,频率分辨率相对较低,导致性能下降,特别是在高频区域。在本文...
Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the DMF-Net compared to other state-of-the-art methods in the context of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity measurement (SSIM) while drastically cutting down on the processing power needed....
A dual-branch multi-scale feature interaction network (DMFI-Net) is proposed to address the challenges of polyp edge blurring, large intra-class variations, and high inter-class similarity in the multi- classification task of colorectal polyps. The Multi-Head Fusion Self-Attention Module (MFSM)...
In this continuation of the DMF Netbuilders series, our panel of experts will discuss how DMF modernizes the role of a Network Packet Broker by delivering pervasive visibility, contextual insights and automation of NetOps workflows. Join us for this session where we will get you up to date on...
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