dmesg | sed "s/[^\[]*\[/\[/" | sed "s/^\[[ ]*\?\([0-9.]*\)\] \(.*\)/\\1 \\2/" | while read timestamp message; do timestamp=$(echo $timestamp | cut -d "." -f1) ts1=$(( $(busybox date +%s) - $uptime + $timestamp )) ts2=$(busybox date -d "@$...
( "[%s]%s\n", scalar localtime(time - $uptime + $1), $2 ) : $line ) }' } alias dmesg=dmesg_with_human_timestamps好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 阿笨猫 粉丝- 393 关注- 32 +加关注 0...
dmesg | sed "s/[^[]*[/[/" | sed "s/^[[ ]*?([0-9.]*)] (.*)/\1 \2/" | while read timestamp message; do timestamp=$(echo $timestamp | cut -d "." -f1) ts1=$(( $(busybox date +%s) - $uptime + $timestamp )) ts2=$(busybox date -d "@${ts1}") printf ...
Unix时间戳(Unix timestamp),或称Unix时间(Unix time)、POSIX时间(POSIX time),是一种时间表示方式,...
--//网上找到链接 "dmesg_with_human_timestamps" function provided by lucas-cimon earlier. It has a bit of trouble with some of our boxes with large uptime though. Turns out that kernel timestamps in ...
$date -d @1398324600Thu Apr 24 15:30:00 CST 2014 3. 将当前日期转换成时间戳 $date +%s1398765730 dmesg 时间转换 dmesg 输出的格式不易查看,可以通过命令进行转换。 记录如下: 时间查看: date -d “1970-01-01 UTC `echo “(date+(cat /proc/uptime|cut -f 1 -d’ ‘)+12288812.926194″|bc `...
SUSPEND/RESUME. Timestamps are adjusted according to current delta between boottime and monotonic clocks, this works onlyformessages printed after last resume 这个-T 参数可以直接转换为人类可读时间(即年月日小时分钟秒),但是不一定精确,如果系统挂起或者恢复之后,日志使用的时间源是不会更新的 ...
Enable timestamps indmesgoutput by appending it to the-H(--human) option, which produces a human-readable output and automatically pipes the output to a pager (less). Run the following command: sudo dmesg -HCopy The command adds a timestamp with the date and time in minutes. The events...
Unlike the default behavior of dmesg, which displays timestamps as the number of seconds since the system booted, the -T (or --ctime) option convert these timestamps into actual date and time values (i.e., wall-clock format).
After the update to Ubuntu 11.10 my wireless goes up and down, and so i'm trying to debug this problem looking into dmesg. But this brought me to another small issue, dmesg prints timestamps in the form of seconds.nanoseconds since the system booted. And