Thanks for the info I found on the WEB to change the counter. I was at P1050711 when I bought a new FZ-35. The procedure did not work as listed, because I let the new camera create P1000001 before I tried your procedure. I also had to set this to P1000999 along with P1050999....
1.IMPORTANTSAFETYNOTICE(SeeFigure1.) Therearespecialcomponentsusedinthisequipment 1.PlugtheACcorddirectlyintotheACoutlet.Donotuse whichareimportantforsafety.Thesepartsaremarkedby anisolationtransformerforthischeck. 2.Connecta1.5kΩ,10Wresistor,inparallelwitha0.15μF intheSchematicDiagrams,CircuitBoardLayout, ...
extrapressuremayberequiredifyounoticethatthetouch screenisnotresponsive. •Avoidlettingthehandholdingthecameraaccidentlyapply pressuretothetouchscreen.Doingsomayaffectthetouch screenoperation. •DonotpressontheLCDmonitorwithhardpointedtips,suchasballpointpens. •Donotoperatewithyourfingernails. •WipetheLCDmon...
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ100 shares a lot in common in terms of its external design with its popular predecessor, the FZ38, with a few key improvements that make an already very capable camera even better. The FZ100 looks to all intents and purposes just like a proper DSLR camera, albe...
-7 3 service navigation-9 3.1. introduction -9 3.2. general description about lead free solder (pbf) -9 3.3. important notice 1:(other than u.s.a. and canadian market) -9 3.4. how to define the model suffix (ntsc or pal model)-10 4 specifications-15 5 location of controls and ...
In another welcome move away from its rivals, Panasonic has also upgraded the resolution of the FZ200’s electronic viewfinder from 201k pixels to 1312k dots; this delivers roughly the same degree of detail as the EVFs on the Lumix G products, albeit with a smaller apparent image size. ...
Explore the features of the LUMIX FZ82 digital camera, including an ultra wide 20-1200mm lens, allowing you to shoot stunning landscapes and panoramas.