What is the Best C/Stitch Brand How To Use A DMC Color Card Basic Stitches by Hand for Beginners/2 Health Benefits of Cross Stitch More Articles 50 Ways To Earn Money With Crafts 20 Funny Sentences About Crafts DMC Embroidery Threads Embroidery Threads Embroidery Stitches Embroidery/Embroidery Un...
600 601 602 603 604 605 606 608 610 611 612 613 632 640 642 644 645 646 647 648 666 Fern Green - VY LT Ash Grey - VY LT Beige Brown - ULT VY LT Violet - VY LT Violet - MED Violet Violet - LT Jade - VY DK Jade - MED Jade - LT Jade - VY LT Moss Green - DK Moss ...
(1)下是 MADEIRA 线号,(2)下是 Dmc 线号, 下是 anchor 线号, (3) (4) 下是线色的名称 MADEIRA DMC ANCHOR COLOR NAME (1) (2) (3) (4) 101 746 275 Off White 102 3078 292 Golden Yellow - vy lt 103 445 288 Lemon - lt 104 307 289 Lemon 105 973 290 Canary - bright 106 444 ...
Internal control circuitpan, tilt, rotate( PWM drive), the lens zoom, focus, camera DC12V power supply, laser ranging finder high and stable power supply DC24V ± 1V, color to W/B aux command, preset function, the thermostat function. ...
厦门万向兴自动化设备有限公司位于经济特区福建省厦门市,是一家集生产加工、经销批发为一体、经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。以诚信经营和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任,热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 公司拥有一批有专业技术背景的销售工程师,可以为用户提供专业的技术咨询、工程安装、产品供应等全...
660 W x 600 D x 1000 H mm Internal Dimension(Box) 560 W x 830 D x 594 H mm Door Opening Dimension(Cabinet) 660 W x 1513 D x 1960 H mm Door Dimension 407 W x 115 H mm Open-close Mechanism Pneumatic control Color Black/White or Custom ...
Y/DwhiteY934Y364Y363Y362Y361Y316Y313Y312Y311Y809Y807Y177Y102Y247BlackY459Y458Y325Y323Y975Y973Y616Y614Y176Y457Y248Y366Y405Y456Y246Y461Y403Y402Y156Y165Y164Y163Y162Y161Y837Y835Y615Y613 COLOR 369 1043 926 370 856/855 956 371 855/854 955 372 853 954 400 351 ...
on the LX3. In both cases, that's about where the detail starts to fall apart, although it's still quite acceptable. If ISO 400 was the LX2's limit, ISO 800 is the LX3's, with ISO 1,600 and 3,200 showing a pronounced increase in noise that breaks up detail and loses color ...
各种绣线线号转换表(DMC-ANC-OLYMPUS-COSMO)DMC近似値DMC Name color現総数旧Lot新Lot使⽤中 B5200Snow White2 Ecru Ecru/off-white1037 White White1 3865Winter White2 310Black403 DMC近似値DMC Name color現総数旧Lot新Lot使⽤中 48Shaded Colors 51Shaded Colors 52Shaded Colors 53Shaded Colors 57...