RC is providing misc_device to allow an application access DMA memory by mmap(). Single and discrete dma_write() or dma_read() are OK but immediate and contiguous (pair) dma_write() and dma_read() caused system crash. Pseudo code; write FPGA’s memory bank number through dma_write()...
当DMA控制器监测到dma_req为1且dma_write为0后,将依次进入状态1、状态2、状态3、状态4。在状态4中,其会检查基带芯片的写信号host_dma_wr是否有效,如无效,其将从DMA存储器中读取当前地址的数据,然后再将DMA存储器的地址加1并进入状态5;如 host_dma_wr有效,则DMA控制器将等待一个时钟周期,在下个时钟的上升...
1. 背景 虚拟化场景下,设备的虚拟化有三板斧: ①全模拟:通常指由虚拟化层(通常是Qemu)完全模拟...
Accordingly, DMA_Write_No_Data operations that are provided sequentially may be completed in a parallel manner on the system bus although the corresponding DMA_Write_With_Data is held until a DMA Exclusive state attaches to the cache line. Also, the DMA_Write_With_Data may be completed out ...
DMA copied then all results in one minor loop. But I re-read the RM and saw that every COCO triggers the DMA. SC1 and the PDB were being altered while conversion was still active. By setting DMA to move one result per minor loop, fixing my mistake, it now works as expected. 1 ...
Hello All, Are Individual DMA writes to coherent memory atomic OR is it done in discrete chunks (of size cacheline) I am curious to know if DMA
DMA copied then all results in one minor loop. But I re-read the RM and saw that every COCO triggers the DMA. SC1 and the PDB were being altered while conversion was still active. By setting DMA to move one result per minor loop, fixing my mistake, it now works as expected. 1 ...
Hello, i have question about intel PCIe driver for (in this case) Cyclone 10 devices. When using DMA, FPGA becomes master of operations. After
DMA_Write_No_Data is an address-only operation on the system bus that is utilized to acquire ownership of a cache line that is to be written. The ownership of the cache line is marked by a weak DMA state, which indicates that the cache line is being held for writing to the memory, ...
在DSPC674X上有这么一段:DMA writes code to L2 SRAM that is then executed by the CPU (this case is supported by the hardware protocol on C621x/C671x and C64x DSPs, but is not supported on C674x DSPs). 在以往的C64X平台, 我们是用DMA利用PING-PON...