最近在学习ADC之DMA方式采样,DMA1_Channel开始选取的为Channel4,编译没错误,但是运行时adc始终猜不到数据。 最后查其他网友的代码,DMA1_Channel选取的channel1. 改完后,可以正常猜到数据。 实在很纳闷,其他设置都没有改动过。 还请改为大大帮忙指点指点,小弟谢谢先!!! 以下是代码: *** /* 头文件 ---...
aMeans Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People´s Republic of China 手段词条出口People´s中华民国的检查和检疫[translate] aDMA1CH23_EV[translate] aI2C1_EV[translate] aTIM4_EV[translate] aBit 7 DMA1CH23_EV: DMA1 channel 2 and 3 interrupt event[translate]...
In at least some embodiments, a system comprises a processor and a direct memory access (DMA) subsystem coupled to the processor. The system further comprises a component coupled to the DMA subsystem via an interconnect employing security rules, wherein, if the component requests a DMA channel,...
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