Run source vivado_build.tcl -notrace in the tcl console to generate the file you'll need to flash onto your card You'll find the file in pcileech_squirrel/pcileech_squirrel.runs/impl_1 named "pchileech_squirrel_top.bin" Follow the steps on the official LambdaConcept guide for flashing ...
搬运链接: The purpose of this guide is to show users how to start making there own custom Firmware本指南的目的是向用户展示如何开始制作自己的定制固件there is so much misinformation and gate keeping going o...
搬运链接: The purpose of this guide is to show users how to start making there own custom Firmware本指南的目的是向用户展示如何开始制作自己的定制固件there is so much misinformation and gate keeping going o...
ACs : Anti Cheats DMA : Direct Memory Access TLP : Transaction Layer Packet DSN : Device Serial Number DW : Double Word | DWORD Donor card : A card that will be used to get IDs/config space and will not be used on your main PC (Eg. PCIE Wifi card) FPGA : Field Programmable Gate...
ACs : Anti CheatsDMA : Direct Memory AccessTLP : Transaction Layer PacketDSN : Device Serial NumberDW : Double Word | DWORDDonor card : A card that will be used to get IDs/config space and will not be used on your main PC (Eg. PCIE Wifi card)...
Once you have PCIeSquirrel dir open, in the Tcl console type in source vivado_generate_project.tcl -notrace and wait for it to finish Once the project has been generated, Vivado should automatically open the pcileech_squirrel.xpr file. Keep it open on the side for a bit.4...