Romannumeralsarethenamesofthemodes. Thetwochartsatthebottomshowthechordqualities(major,minor, diminished,etc.)thatresultfrombuildingchordsoneachofthescaledegrees. Thisiscalleddiatonicharmony. ww½www½ IoniannPhrygianLydianMixolydianAeolianLocrian IIIIIVVVIVIIVIII* CEFGABC GBCDEF#G DF#GABC#D AC#DEF#G...
In theAcquisitions Incorporatedhardcover adventure, a visit to the town of Luskan triggers events that offer a choice of actions. “Just ahead of you, a wagon has broken down in front of a tavern. The elderly human driver calls out for help, but passersby ignore her. As she calls out ...
How should you structure the primary points and their supporting ideas in your outline? A. Use numerical values for primary points and Roman numerals for supporting ideas B. Use lower-case letters for primary points and capital letters for supporting ideas C. Use Roman numerals ...
• Aim to use the following fonts in your illustrations: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Symbol, or use fonts that look similar. • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text. • Use a logical naming convention for your artwork files. • Provide captions to...
This field is typically used when you are using Roman numerals. For instance, this demonstrates left alignment: I. Text... II. Text... III. Text... If you right align the same paragraphs, this would be the result: I. Text... II. Text... III. Text... 7 Use the Indent field ...