学习笔记|CDISC SDTM DM domain 【整理翻译自 SDTM IG 3.2: www.cdisc.org/SDTM】 DM(Demographics):Special purpose domain, 描述临床研究中subject的基本信息, 是parent domain. 变量: RFSTDTC(Subject Reference Start Date/Time): 通常等于subject首次用药时间. 对于...
因为DM是subject level的数据结构,DM如果和SUPPDM merge的话,只需要USUBJID就可以了。而对其他domain而言,IDVAR,IDVARVAL一般不为空,而且大多数时候,IDVAR=XXSEQ,IDVAR=the value of XXSEQ in parent domain XX。用sponsor ID或者reference ID比较少,因为它不一定...
AN5020 Application note Introduction to digital camera interface (DCMI) for STM32 MCUs Introduction As the demand for better and better image quality increases, the imaging domain continually evolves giving rise to a variety of technologies (such as 3D, computational, motion, and ...
AN5020 Application note Introduction to digital camera interface (DCMI) for STM32 MCUs Introduction As the demand for better and better image quality increases, the imaging domain continually evolves giving rise to a variety of technologies (such as 3D, computational, motion, and infrared). Imaging...