介绍一下宝峰DM5R刷open GD77打卫星功能,感觉非常的便捷,有时间做个八木通联一下试试效果。 2831 0 02:23 App 刷了openGD77的宝峰DM-5R综测检测,看看指标怎么样 2390 0 02:16 App 短波端馈20米漆包线升级成铁氟龙镀银线抗拉耐高温 9670 5 02:01 App 自制短波小环天线 5597 2 00:14 App 事实证明,回到...
#业余无线电 #晒出你的第一台数字对讲机 宝峰DM5R,刷机OpenGD77固件#应急救援通信 - 西北游商务车队BG9IXR于20230313发布在抖音,已经收获了11.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
打卫星神器 B站保姆级教程带你刷GD77/宝锋1801/TYT MD760 卫星通联 从此拥有理财产品一样的手台 771 -- 6:24 App 宝峰dm5r刷机opengd77固件后基本功能介绍和写频 7007 2 6:34 App HAM新手入门-如何快速扫描&守听多个频率 8232 112 7:04 App 宝峰UV-5R 设置DTMF信令,瞬间让国产神机逼格化,你有MDC1200...
#业余无线电 #对讲机 #无线电 宝峰 DM-5R 玩出新花絮#刷机 _openGD77 - 灰幾。華于20210627发布在抖音,已经收获了3835个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The documentation herehttps://github.com/LibreDMR/OpenGD77_Us ... ide.md#gpssuggests that the Baofeng DM-1701 has GPS. However I've not been able to find a GPS enabled variant for sale anywhere and a fellow ham who has a Baofeng DM-1701 has told me that it is not GPS enabled. ...
OpenGD77 Firmware for DMR transceivers using the NXP MK22 MCU, AT1846S RF chip and HR-C6000 DMR chipset. This includes the Radioddiy GD-77, Radioddity GD-77s, Baofeng DM-1801 and Baofeng RD-5R. This repo began as a fork of rogerclarkmelborune/OpenGD77, which has since been deleted...
Specifications: Suitable for Multiple Models: Compatible with Baofeng DM-1701, DM-1801, DM-1702, DM-1702B, DM-5R, and RD-5R Drive Free Radio Drive Free Convenience: No additional drivers needed for use with Windows XP, Win7, Win8, and Win10 Support for Open GD77: Enables seamless progr...
Re: New GD-77 / GD-77S / RD-5R / DM-1801 BetaPost by Eb5ivb » Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:43 pm Hi all. I have a TYT MD9600, a MD380UV and a Baofeng DM1801 with the latest version of Opengd installed, the version with the new option "Force DMO". The three transceivers have ...
Specifications: Material: Durable Plastic Compatibility: Suitable for Baofeng DM-1701, DM-1801, DM-1702, DM-1702B, DM-5R, RD-5R Drive Free Radio Connectivity: USB Programming Cable, no driver installation required Support: Open GD77 software for programming Range: Depends on radio model, typical...
我的手台是宝锋dm5r刷了opengd77,这个写频线可以用的 t**5 5个月前 · 评价方未及时做出评价,系统默认好评! 查看全部评价 参数信息 对讲机配件品牌 宝锋 售后服务 店铺三包 对讲机配件类型 对讲机配件 图文详情 本店推荐 日本钻石 SRH805S UV双段超短迷你子弹头手持对讲机天线4.5cm ¥155.0 车载电台小喇叭...