DLZ Creator XS harnesses decades of Mackie expertise, making every detail count for your productions. From Onyx80 preamps that make even low-output mics sound both loud and pristine, to customized headphone mixes for each of your guests, DLZ Creator XS gives you the benefits of a professional...
Do not install firmware 1.1 on DLZ Creator XS. Your DLZ Creator XS is currently up to date Download firmware v1.2 SAMPLE PAD CONTROL MODES Customize the multi-colored pads on DLZ Creator to trigger your own samples from 8 memory banks, activate essential controls on the fly (including censor...
Runningman美奇调音台DLZ CREATOR直播唱歌专用录音声卡 联系方式 李玉峰经理 347546623 18910750938 北京昌平区沙河镇创业大厦 期待你的来电 北京金舒恺歌科技发展有限公司 一网通12年 经营性质:私营企业 所在区域:北京 昌平区 主营产品:调音台、话筒、功放、音箱 ...
播客无疑会很高兴看到 DLZ Creator XS,它是该公司一体化播客设备的紧凑型版本,而那些希望现场直播其演出或节目的人现在有三款新的 ProFXv3+ 调音台和新的紧凑型 MobileMix 迷你调音台可供选择。该公司还发布了首款以视频为重点的产品MainStream,它将视频、音频和流媒体控制整合到一个设备中,主要面向游戏直播用户...
Mackie 推出新款桌面型数字调音台 DLZ CREATOR XS,非常适合播客和流媒体,让你能比以往更快地获得所需的结果。 DLZ Creator XS 的部分设计灵感来自让任何人都可以获得出色效果的智能手机和数码单反相机,改变了屏幕控制以满足你的创作风格或技能水平,而不会影响处理能力或音质。
RUNNINGMAN 美技/美奇DLZ CREATOR播客数字调音台 录音直播内容创作唱歌表演带蓝牙 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 美音美视旗舰店 店铺星级 商品评价4.5 高 物流履约4.5 中 售后服务4.5 中 ...
Mackie 推出新款桌面型数字调音台 DLZ CREATOR XS,非常适合播客和流媒体,让你能比以往更快地获得所需的结果。 DLZ Creator XS 的部分设计灵感来自让任何人都可以获得出色效果的智能手机和数码单反相机,改变了屏幕控制以满足你的创作风格或技能水平,而不会影响处理能力或音质。
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even when everyone speaks at the same time. You can also integrate a phone call into your mix via Bluetooth and activate Mix Minus with one tap, so the caller won't hear their voice echo when they speak. More than a podcast mixer or audio interface, the DLZ Creator can record or strea...
Create a four-person podcast with theMackie DLZ Creator 4-Person Podcast Kit with SM7B Mics, Boom Arms, and Headphones, bundled together byB&H. In addition to the mixer-recorder, you get four SM7B microphones, four sets of headphones, four boom arms with internal XLR cabl...