DLTK-Kids offers a wide range of fun and educational activities for children, including crafts, coloring pages, worksheets, and more. Our activities are designed to be simple and easy to follow, making them perfect for young learners.
DLTK's Crafts for KidsPrintable Scissor Skills Practice Worksheets contributed by Leanne GuentherPrint these worksheets to give toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten students practice with scissors.Before starting the project, show the children how to hold scissors and talk to them about using scissors...
DLTK's Crafts for Kids Chick Paper Craft I originally made this easy chick paper craft for Easter, but you could make it for a farm theme, shapes theme, yellow theme, birds theme or spring theme. Regardless of the theme, the project will give your little ones practice with shapes (...
Number Turkey Paper Crafts Count by Ones, Twos, Fives or Tens Number Stamps Number Tracer Pages: Dynamic Number Tracers English Number Tracers Spanish Number Tracers Printable Number Games BINGO Easter Themed Dominos Easter Themed Memory Game
DLTK's Bible Easter Crafts and Activities is a comprehensive guide that provides children with a fun and interactive way to learn about the story of Easter. With a wide variety of creative crafts and engaging activities, kids can explore the traditions a
Pokemon Christmas TP Roll CraftsPokemon Christmas Wreath OrnamentsEaster ActivitiesPokemon Easter Egg HoldersPokemon Easter CardsMore DLTK Sites: DLTK-Kids.com DLTK-Holidays.com DLTK-Teach.com Coloring.ws KidZone.ws WANT MORE? Build motor skills, lengthen attention span and spark your little one's ...
Sunday School Teacher's Guide - this marks the beginning of the Easter lessons and Holy Week. Visit the Palm Sunday Activities or the Easter Bible Lesson Plan for further ideas to supplement this.Introduction:The Palm Sunday message is bittersweet. Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, and spends the ...
DLTK's Crafts for KidsPrintable Shrinky Dink Patterns I can remember making necklaces and bracelets with my grandmother many years ago. For blank shrinky dink material (also known as heat shrink plastic), you can find it at a local craft store or you can buy from Amazon....