The Unified Enterprise DLT System. A high performance and regulatory compliant blockchain for digital cash, data, and identity management.
dlt-system.conf(5)Configure DLT-System dlt-adaptor-stdin(1)Adaptor for forwarding input from stdin to daemon. dlt-adaptor-udp(1)Adaptor for forwarding received UDP messages to daemon. dlt-convert(1)Convert DLT files into human readable format. ...
IC DL 中华人民共和国电力行业标准 电能表自动化检定系统技术规范 Technical specification for electricmeter automatictesting system 国家能 局 发布 目 次 1 范围1 2 规范性引用文件1 3 术语和定义2 4 通用要求5 4.1 系统功能5 4.2 环境要求6 4.3 机械要求6 4.4 电气要求7 4.5 电磁兼容7 4.6 软件...
DLT-电力调度控制云系统技术要求 第6部分:安全防护.pdf,ICS CCS 点击此处添加CCS号 DL 中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL/T XXXXX—XXXX 电力调度控制云系统技术要求 第6部分:安全防护 Technicalrequirement ofpower dispatchingandcontrolcloud system Part 6:T
ICS F 备案号: 中华人民共和国电力行业标准 DL/T 5190.5- - XXXX P P 代替 DL 5190.5- - 2012 电力建设施工技术规范 第 5 部分:管道及系统 Technical specification for thermal power erection and construction Part5: pipes and the system (征求意见稿) XXX-XX-XX 发布 XXX-XX-XX 实施 国家能源局 ...
阶段一设立CAS现金账户、大额实时结算系统(Real Time Gross System, RTGS)账户、存托凭证(Depository Receipts,DR)监护账户,以及分布式账本中的DR账户,实现MEPS+系统与分布式账本系统的对接和功能实现。在分布式账本系统中,MAS节点上运行智能合约和监控工具,管理分布式账本内的货币和观测分布式账本内银行余额变动和交易情况...
To use DLT from an application, the application has to link again the DLT library. When the DLT daemon is installed on the system , there will a shared library with the name which provides the interface for applications to get a connection to the DLT daemon. The library path ...
dlt-system-process-handling: fix warning dlt_daemon_connection_types: fix build warnings Updated README dlt-adaptor-udp, dlt-adaptor-stdin: implement get of verbosity level from input Added Description in dlt-system.conf dlt-client: fix dlt_client_cleanup memory handling ...
We describe the system built by the Documents and Linguistic Technology (DLT) Group at University of Limerick for participation in the French-English Question Answering Task of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF). The starting point was the system we used for the same task last year. Bes...