替换dlss4DLL,dlsstweak左下角调试信息只有2行 试了几个游戏,也重下过tweak都是这样 别人正常的应该有4行,第一行是render preset:J/K这种 试了很多次,还换了游戏。不管用tweak还是nvidiaProfileInspector修改过,都是只有2行,这是为啥 明明昨天刚用还是好的会显示4行,后面怎么都显示不出来,只有2行 附件 附...
Tweak DLL for NVIDIA DLSS, force DLAA on DLSS-supported titles, tweak scaling ratios & DLSS 3.1 presets, override DLSS versions without overwriting game files. - emoose/DLSSTweaks
Newer DLSSTweaks versions are now released atNexusMods DLSSTweaks is built on top of several open-source projects, many thanks to the following: praydog for the project template (https://github.com/praydog/AutomataMP) cursey for safetyhook (https://github.com/cursey/safetyhook) ...
Tweak DLL for NVIDIA DLSS, force DLAA on DLSS-supported titles, tweak scaling ratios & DLSS 3.1 presets, override DLSS versions without overwriting game files. - emoose/DLSSTweaks