DLSS FSR FG MOD 心灵杀手2 阿小越n 拖影太严重了有没有补救的办法 2023-12-25 16:55 2 何必等到意兴阑珊 分游戏的,2077开车有拖影,心灵杀手2我没发现 原始帧数在40帧以上再开,帧数越低越严重这个暂时无解 2023-12-26 17:01 吊ル鎯当 win10好像不能用 ...
you have to replace lots of files, see witch is working , you have to look over a wiki to found out witch version it used , run the reg file then do some modifications over a file of you own an and GPU, run the game minimize the window , go to the damn game...
AMD为6000系列显卡升级AFMF | 作为显卡老二,AMD显然比Nvidia更加宠溺老用户。近日,AMD更新驱动,正式带来了FSR 3超分技术、AFMF帧生成技术,分别对标NVIDIA DLSS 3、FG,技术原理都很相似。但是,不同于NVIDIA的帧生成技术依赖硬件单元,仅支持RTX 40系列,AMD AFMF是在驱动层面实现的,完全可以兼容老显卡。当然,这也意味...
OptiScaleris a tool that lets you replace upscalers in games thatalready supportDLSS2+ / FSR2+ / XeSS, now also supports enabling frame generation (through OptiFG or Nukem's dlssg-to-fsr3). While previously only DLSS2+ inputs were supported, newer versions also added support for XeSS and...
最新测试 NVIDIA 两代中端显卡的较量 RTX 3070 vs RTX 3070 Ti vs RTX 4070 游戏性能差异对比 8165 5 01:11 App “矿”涛被实锤,3070性价比4060ti 2.9万 7 02:06 App RTX3070TI VS RTX4060TI 看完你知道该怎么选了吗? 1088 0 03:40 App 4060比3070Ti差么? 1362 0 03:40 App 4060比不上3070Ti...
Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files 1 Images 7 Videos 0 Posts 4 Bugs 0 Logs Stats About this mod Spider-man 2 Optiscaler DLSS ( FSR 3.1.3 ) & Uniscaler FGThis is a combination of 2 mods that run stably and are compatible for GTX...
We are currently working on NVIDIA DLSS 3 Frame Generation, and the game will also support AMD FSR and Intel XeSS. No matter the platform, however, we are committed to delivering the best experience possible. That has been our priority from the start, and we are putting a lot of effort ...
《战锤:末世鼠疫2》现已支持DLSS 3和FSR 2.2 近日《战锤:末世鼠疫2》迎来了重大更新,Fatshark带来了新DLC:Sienna Fuegonasus的第四个职业,允许玩家扮演死灵法师,售价3.49美元。该DLC日前在Steam上获得了“特别好评”评价。 现在Sienna也可以使用两个额外的武器。Ensorcelled Reaper是一种双手武器,具有惊人的劈裂和...
FSR3 3.1 (and FSR2 2.3.2) DLSS For DirectX 11 FSR2 2.2.1 (Default, native DX11) FSR3 3.1.2 (unofficial port to native DX11) XeSS 1.x.x, FSR2 2.1.2, 2.2.1, FSR3 3.1 & FSR2 2.3.2 (via background DX12 processing) [*] DLSS (native DX11) XeSS 2.x (soon™, but Intel...