相比于NV知名度很高的DLSS,AMD自己的“DLSS”技术:AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 就显得“低调”得多。目前AMD从FSR1.0版本更新到FSR 2.0版本,提供4种模式,分别是 Quality (质量)、Balanced (平衡)、Performance (性能)以及 Ultra Performance (超高性能) 模式。与NVIDIA DLSS不同,AMD FSR2.0并不...
目前,DLSS的最好的设置选项为质量模式(Quality),即以原生分辨率的66.6%渲染游戏画面,也就是说,目前最高的选项将游戏的分辨率提升了1.5倍 超高质量模式的对比表格 英伟达此次推出超高质量模式,似乎是意图与AMD的FidelityFX Super Resolution进行竞争,因为FSR已经提供了一个类似的设置选项。在FSR的这个模式下,游戏会以77%...
尽管在光线追踪、DLSS等技术方面,AMD稍稍落后于NVIDIA,不过俗话说的好“后来者居上”,AMD在上个月正式公布了FSR( FidelityFX Super Resolution)技术。而从实际效果来看,无论在性能还是兼容性方面FSR都略优于NVIDIA的DLSS技术,这也让NVIDIA坐不住了。在质量设置上,NVIDIA的DLSS以66.6%的分辨率渲染游戏,将其放大...
Redditor(相当于外国贴吧)在虚幻引擎5中的文档中,发现了一种新的DLSS深度学习超采样的模式,被标注为“ULTRA QUALITY*”,作为占位符出现在表格中。目前的DLSS可用的最佳设置是QUALITY质量模式,通过原始分辨率的66.6%来渲染游戏画面。 这个新的目前还在开发中的超质量模式显然是对AMD前不久发布的FidelityFX Super Resolut...
This tech is straight up insane. I just tried the intro in Control with the latest patch. Ran 1440p output resolution, DLSS @ 720p and it looked crisp as fuck. Really couldn't pass an eye test between DLSS on or off. Given the almost negligible quality downsides delivered by DLSS, the...
NVIDIA DLSS is a revolutionary breakthrough in AI graphics that multiplies performance. Powered by the new fourth-gen Tensor Cores and Optical Flow Accelerator on GeForce RTX 40 Series GPUs.
与AMD自家的FSR 1.0相比,FSR 2.0的表现可谓出色,原生(Native)/Native+TAA对比项目,FSR 2.0都比FSR 1.0好出不少。在品质(Quality)画面质量下,DLSS和FSR 2.0会存在细微的差异。在诸如低分辨率拉伸(low resolution upscaling)、性能模式(Performance Mode)等情况下,FSR 2.0的表现略输DLSS。毕竟在较低的...
DLSS is a revolutionary suite of neural rendering technologies that uses AI to boost FPS, reduce latency, and improve image quality. The latest breakthrough, DLSS 4, brings new Multi Frame Generation and enhanced Ray Reconstruction and Super Resolution, powered by GeForce RTX™ 50 Series ...
Ray Reconstruction is a new neural network for all GeForce RTX GPUs that further improves the image quality of ray-traced images. Blog DLSS|Streamline How to Integrate NVIDIA DLSS 4 into Your Game with NVIDIA Streamline NVIDIA DLSS 4 is the latest iteration of DLSS introduced with the NVIDIA ...
Generation三个功能只有40系显卡可以全部使用,如果是20系和30系,只能使用提升画质的Super Resolution以及...