dlssmode从MaxPerformance改成DLSSMODEdlssPreset从Default改成DenableNisSharpening从true改成falsereflexFpsCap后面填个帧数上限,具体多少感觉不太重要,我试过144 141 120都没啥区别reflexMode:改成off(这一项好像是崩溃的重要原因,改了好很多)其他项不变 来自Android客户端10楼2023-09-09 20:35 回复 ...
"reflexFpsCap": 75, "reflexMode": "LowLatency", "version": 4 } **安装** 在安装此模组之前,请删除任何类似的模组和 ReShade。 将存档的内容放入游戏文件夹(包含 "Starfield.exe" 文件的位置)。 在游戏设置中启用 FSR2。使用游戏设置中的标准分辨率滑块和动态分辨率选项来设置 DLSS。使用锐化滑块来调整图...
"reflexFpsCap": 75, "reflexMode": "LowLatency", "version": 4 } **安装** 在安装此模组之前,请删除任何类似的模组和 ReShade。 将存档的内容放入游戏文件夹(包含 "Starfield.exe" 文件的位置)。 在游戏设置中启用 FSR2。使用游戏设置中的标准分辨率滑块和动态分辨率选项来设置 DLSS。使用锐化滑块来调整图...
安装方法:- 下载压缩包,解压后放到游戏根目录 (就是Starfield.exe所在的文件夹)- 下载 DLSS 和 DLSS...
Aye the DLSS presets are a bit questionable, funny thing is that in the first Starfield DLSS mod you could also pick your preset of choice. 'I mean not a dead big difference but still it would be nice if we could do that w/o modding or tweaks' Reactions: Prima.Vera and wolf D ...
Finally, Bethesda has decided to add a brightness and contrast adjustment feature to Starfield. It was somewhat weird that this was not already in the game. People were complaining about the high contrast levels of Starfield pretty much everywhere. ...
Starfield, an AMD sponsored title, has no support for the NVIDIA DLSS technology, so modders added it without official blessings, and the results are good. In this mini-review, we examine and compare the image quality and performance improvements provide
As for thestock version, ina Digital Foundry video, Alexander Battaglia said, “If you’re on Intel and Nvidia you’re getting a bizarrely worse experience here in comparison to AMD GPUs in a way that’s completely out of the norm.”Starfieldalready supports AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution...
But isStarfieldcontractually AMD-exclusive? Perhaps just temporarily exclusive? Azor isn’t going to say. “If and when Bethesda wants to put DLSS into the game, they have our full support,” he reiterates. Bethesda didn’t reply to repeated questions about whether it’ll add DLSS to the ga...
First, performance. When you have a lower output resolution, DLSS will render your game at an even lower internal resolution. This can createa CPU bottleneckas you go down to lower-quality modes. In practice, that could mean you’re using a quality mode that looks worse without providing any...