11 直接替换dlss,默认就是preset j,对应的就是transformer 不需要NVIDIA Profile Inspector调预设 preset...
不需要,我拿nvidia profile inspector强制覆盖 没用NV APP,直接起游戏也能正常调用指定好的SR模型的 ...
Radiance cache 即储存场景内光线交互信息,以便后续快速复用。 目前Neural Radiance Cache 已经在 RTX Global Illumination SDK 中提供;Neural Shaders 和 Nerual Texture Compression SDK 会在本月底通过 NVIDIA RTX Kit 面向开发者开放。微软也会很快对 DirectX 加入“Cooperative Vector”支持,让 Tensor core 能够加速...
Fixed DXGI crash issue, and fixed crash with newer NV drivers Added OverrideHDR setting to allow overriding DLSS's HDR mode (thanks Filoppi!) Can now detect global DLSS DLL files loaded from NGX/models/ folder Updated third-party dependencies: safetyhook, ModUtils, spdlogAssets...
That’s the main function, but you can also use DLSSTweaks to enforce one of six DLSS presets (more on those soon) and to override the default file games use for DLSS. That latter ability comes in handy whenever Nvidia makes a large update to DLSS. You can find a download for the la...
Re-apply the latest version of the patch, from the matching store, and override all the files. If all the above fail, leave a comment on this page. How does thiscompare toAutoHDR: AutoHDR is just a post process so it doesn't add any detail. Specifically inControlit makes bright lights...
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2- Please Fix DLSS ASAP without having to wait for the next volume... as if anything gets broken at any point in time and you decided not to release any more volumes, are you gonna keep that stuff broken and unfixed? or will you fix them and release hot fix patches? i guess i ma...
Performance: In most instances, only a few frames per second separate High and Medium Global Reflections, though when switched off it does deliver a big boost, albeit at a heavy cost to image quality.Screen Space Reflections Quality (SSR) Screen Space Reflection techniques attempt to mirror what...
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