DLAA 不会有助于帧数提高,只是使用AI深度学习来智能地消除混叠伪影,使得画面的图像锯齿感降低。
Provides higher image quality for all GeForce RTX GPUs with an AI-based anti-aliasing technique. DLAA uses the same Super Resolution technology developed for DLSS, reconstructing a native resolution image to maximize image quality. 2.3 performance DLSS 2.0 offers several key enhancements over the orig...
Below, you will find comparison screenshots at 4K, 1440p, 1080p, and in different DLSS and FSR 2.2 quality modes; the DLAA and TAA screenshots are also available in the dropdown menu. For those who want to see how DLSS and FSR 2.2 perform in motion, watch our side-by-side comparison ...
changed priority of ForceDLAA vs DLSSQualityLevels, values set in DLSSQualityLevels will now always override the ForceDLAA setting, if the section is enabled. improved support for older drivers that might be missing certain DLSS functions changes how hooks are performed: instead of our DLL handling...
DLAA uses a native resolution image to maximize image quality, rather than boosting performance, for an even richer experience. To enable DLAA in Satisfactory, select “No Downscaling” on the “Upscaling Preset” option, when “NVIDIA DLSS” is selected as the “Upscaling Method”....
SPRAWLfeatures DLSS 2 to help gamers maximize performance, and DLAA for players who already have performant frame rates, who wish to maximize image quality and clarity. Lunacy: Saint Rhodes Available Now With DLSS 2 Stormling Studios and Iceberg Interactive’sLunacy: Saint Rhodesis a first-person...
No. DLAA wasn't even a thing when that discussion started. And honestly I am often hard pressed to notice many quality differences between DLSS Q and DLAA. Yeah, not worth the hit. Dunno if that's always the case though, with pt high and ray reconctruction in AW2, they look almost...
changed priority ofForceDLAAvsDLSSQualityLevels, values set inDLSSQualityLevelswill now always override theForceDLAAsetting, if the section is enabled. improved support for older drivers that might be missing certain DLSS functions changes how hooks are performed: instead of our DLL handling the hook...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | Warzone 2.0 recently released with support for NVIDIA's Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA), NVIDIA's Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and Intel's Xe Super Sampling (XeSS). In this mini-review, we take a look, comparing the image quality and performance...
However, the game also allows you to use DLAA, which uses deep learning to enhance image quality without the downsampling used by DLSS. Unfortunately, you have to pick one or the other, and we’ll look at which one you should use....