纬球/DLSDLS是全世界汽车音响行业的标志性优秀品牌,更是全球范围内住宅音响领域的声音标准,作为欧洲3大量产音响品牌,和法国Focal劲浪、英国B&W 一样,都拥有自己的喇叭单元和元器件的专利技术和工厂。该品牌的入墙音箱和挂墙音箱产品线,外形设计流畅简约,色彩鲜明,散发着浓郁的欧式极简主义气息,是简约美学的极致代表,...
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Product name DLS Performance M226 Brand DLS Type Type Coaxial Speakers Suitable for Boats No Element: amount & sizes Coaxial Size 6.5" Watt Power (RMS) 50 W Power (max) 75 W Audio Signal Seperation 2-way Additional Info Created at PriceRunner 9 November 2016Klarna...
Brand-urile și numele produselor menționate sunt mărci înregistrate ale companiilor respective. Termenii HDMI și HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, imaginea comercială HDMI şi siglele HDMI sunt mărci comerciale sau mărci comerciale înregistrate ale HDMI Licensing Admi...
品牌所属公司 东莞市纬球电气科技有限公司品牌基本信息 DLS中文名为德利仕,公司创始于1979年,总部位于瑞典的歌登堡,从一开始DLS就致力于为那些超级高保真音乐发烧友---有车一族音响玩家研发和制造汽车音响系统免责声明:以上内容依托AI技术为您生成,内容源自全网公开信息,因而不保证生成内容与爱企查数据完全一致性,仅...
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We use only name brand lamps (Sylvania, GE, etc.). Using quality materials ensures your equipment stays up and running the way it should. Smart Technology Service technicians are connected to our database via smart devices. This allows for real time access to the service history of each fixt...
大力神YYDLS隶属岳阳大力神电磁机械有限公司旗下 2 岳阳大 岳阳大力神电磁机械 未融资 2002-03-25 湖南省 岳阳大力神电磁机械是一家冶金专用设备制造商。业务涵盖磁选机、起重电磁铁、除铁器、电磁搅拌器、电缆卷筒、永磁吸吊器、制动器、控制柜、线圈、冶金矿山机械及配套设备制造、销售等。 ... 展开 ...