Outlook DLP policy tips are not detecting sensitive information types (SIT) in the email body and in attachments for some scenarios. Below are some sensitive information types that are confirmed as not consistently working. If these sensit...
如果未找到 GetDLPPolicyTip 调用,并且 DetectedClassificationIds 响应中值字段为空,请按照以下步骤解决此问题: 检查DLP 策略是否已启用并正确配置。 检查用户是否输入正确的敏感信息和有效的收件人或发件人来触发策略。 客户端不支持邮件提示 有几个 Outlook 客户端许可证不支持策略提示。 Exchange 功能的 O...
子项:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\PolicyNudges 值:LastDownloadTimesPerAccount 备注 此故障排除步骤不会修复由原因部分所述的条件引起的问题。 OWA 不受由“原因”部分中所述的条件引起的问题的影响。 Outlook DLP 策略提示不适用于电子邮件正文和附件中的某些条件 ...
Darren_Cederman- I am having same problem for random number of users where DLP policy related nudge files updated back in January-2022 and since that time nudge file has not updated even though there is multiple change in DLP policy after January-2022. For major...
HasSenderOverride (sender has overridden the Policy Tip) ExceptIfHasSenderOverride Action NotifySender Starting in mid-November, the following will occur: The ability to create or edit new ETRs that use these conditions or action will be disabled. ...
DlpPolicyTip 类型公开以下成员。属性展开表 名称说明 AppliedActionsText ComplianceUrl Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。) GeneralText LastProcessedTime MatchedConditionDescriptions ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client ...
DlpPolicyTip 类型公开以下成员。方法展开表 名称说明 CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (从 ClientObject 继承。) CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate ...
that. This is important because it will allow the extractor not to break on minor layout changes thus keeping old yt-dlp versions working. Even though this breakage issue may be easily fixed by a new version of yt-dlp, this could take some time, during which the extractor will remain ...
Long lines policyThere is a soft limit to keep lines of code under 100 characters long. This means it should be respected if possible and if it does not make readability and code maintenance worse. Sometimes, it may be reasonable to go upto 120 characters and sometimes even 80 can be ...
Return&refund policy Security & Privacy Safe payments: We do not share your personal details with any third parties without your consent. Secure personal details: We protect your privacy and keep your personal details safe and secure. Shop sustainably ...