Video Format Options: -f, --format FORMAT Video format code, see "FORMAT SELECTION" for more details -S, --format-sort SORTORDER Sort the formats by the fields given, see "Sorting Formats" for more details --format-sort-force Force user specified sort order to have precedence over all ...
This parameter accepts values in the format: "Property1:Value1,Value2","Property2:Value3,Value4",..."PropertyN:ValueN,ValueN". Expand table Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to...
This parameter accepts values in the format: "Property1:Value1,Value2","Property2:Value3,Value4",..."PropertyN:ValueN,ValueN". Expand table Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies...
Merge best non-HDR video format <= 1080p (that may also contain audio --bv*) plus: best Russian language audio, best DRC audio, and best English language audio or fall back to best Russian language audio (if lang is specified) and best DRC audio ...
Dieser Parameter akzeptiert Werte im folgenden Format: "Property1:Value1,Value2","Property2:Value3,Value4",..."PropertyN:ValueN,ValueN". Tabelle erweitern Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: Fals...
Our latest indoor LED products are high resolution LED display suitable for indoor digital signage applications with short viewing distances. A modular, compact and lightweight format allows for easy one man setup and maintenance capability for the seamless formation of large-scale screens as per cust...
This parameter accepts values in the format: "Property1:Value1,Value2","Property2:Value3,Value4",..."PropertyN:ValueN,ValueN". Expand table Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to...
In DLP-based electronics solutions, image data is 100% digital from the DLPC910 input port to the projected image. The image stays in digital form and is never converted into an analog signal. The DLPC910 processes the digital input image and converts the data into a format needed by the...
The format of -F output in yt-dlp has changed. The options --auto-number (-A), --title (-t), and --literal (-l) have been deprecated and no longer function as expected. By default, yt-dlp activates --no-abort-on-error. The default output template in yt-dlp differs from that ...
XGIMI H3S Only have Chinese Version ! Kaya Updated English Support. YouTube, Netflix, Amazon PrimeVideo, Kodi, etc. Still some Chinese words remain the Home Page. Advise pair our KM2 Android TV 10.0 box HDMI Input use. Facebook Kayaprojector to find more update in the future. ...