过滤管理器模型和传统过滤驱动模型相比有下列优势: 更好的控制过滤加载顺序不像传统的过滤驱动 ,微过滤驱动能被加载在任何时候并且附属在正确的位置 ,这由它的高度决定(altitude)。 能够在系统运行时卸载不像传统的过滤驱动 ,不能够在系统运行时卸载 。微过滤驱动能在任何时候卸载 ,并且它能防止被卸载在必要的时候 ...
Separation and divorce are significant and traumatic events in an individual's life. The dissolution of a marriage and an ongoing family unit is seldom a happy occasion. Frequently, separation and divorce involve intense anger, bitterness, and disillusionment;...
Controlling Discretion in Sentencing: The Clemency Board As a Working ModelThe exercise of discretionary judgment is fundamental to any system of justice; but equally fundamental is the consistent treatment of all individuals. Yet to achieve the latter necessitates a reasonable balance between ...
Commission Model of SentencingThe United States Senate has recently passed a bill, as part of the latest revision of the proposed Federal Criminal Code, to create a United States Sentencing Commission. 2 This is a sudden departure from previous sentencing recommendations and is not a typical...
INTRODUCTION I. FDAAA SECTION 905 As AN INFRASTRUCTURE REGULATORY MANDATE A. The...Barbara J. EvansNotre Dame Law ReviewEvans; Barbara J.Congress' new infrastructural model of medical privacy.Notre Dame Law Review.2009.618-5615Evans, Barbara J. Congress' new infrastructural model of medical privacy...