WScript.StdOut.Write("Clean up? (press enter to continue)")WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()wshshell.Run("powershell /c ""rm -r """\\?\" & target & """) 最后的效果如下 如果需要加载shellcode,可以改写里面的函数,比如变成下面这样 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 voidSta...
structures or to destroy data structures as required by the DLL. Additionally, if the application is multithreaded, you can use thread local storage (TLS) to allocate memory that is private to each thread in the entry point function. The following code is an example of the DLL entry point ...
Search or jump to... Sign in Sign up NanoFabricFX / Ladon Public forked from k8gege/Ladon Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights NanoFabricFX/Ladonmaster 1 Branch7 Tags Code This branch is 35 commits behind k8gege/Ladon:master....
structures or to destroy data structures as required by the DLL. Additionally, if the application is multithreaded, you can use thread local storage (TLS) to allocate memory that is private to each thread in the entry point function. The following code is an example of the DLL entry point ...
代码里SQL语句中的strCondition是从UI层传过来的查询条件,此错误发生时,在调试中已经证明查询条件没有错误,如下图:strCondition的值为:“cardNumber='1' ”,所以整个SQL语句不就是“ select * from QueryOnLineStatus_View where cardNumber='1' ”嘛!
This is shown in the following code sample using CoCreateInstance: SQL Copy HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Test, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&piunknown); Modify registry to force remoting of the object If you can't modify the COM client to request that the ...
例子: Ladon OnlinePC(扫当前机器所处C段,其它模块同理) 例子: Ladon OnlinePC ID模块名称功能说明返回结果 1 OnlinePC 存活主机扫描 存活IP、Mac地址、机器名、设备制造商 2 OnlineIP 仅存活主机IP 存活IP 3 UrlScan URL域名扫描 同服URL(不验证IP、域名、Web标题) 4 SameWeb 同服域名扫描...
structures or to destroy data structures as required by the DLL. Additionally, if the application is multithreaded, you can use thread local storage (TLS) to allocate memory that is private to each thread in the entry point function. The following code is an example of the DLL entry point ...