C:\ Windows\ System32 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10) 在64 位版本的Windows中,32 位 DLL存放文件夹为C:\Windows\SysWOW64, 64 位 dll存放文件夹为C:\Windows\System32。 2、dll文件拷贝完成后,打开“开始-运行-输入regsvr32 RepairTool.dll”,回车即可解决或按win+R键,输入regsvr32 RepairTool....
dll修复工具10:Glarysoft Registry Repair 适用操作系统:windowsXP/win7/Vista/win8/win8.1/win10 软件易操作性:4.0/5.0 软件介绍:Glarysoft Registry Repair是一款高效的注册表清理工具。它可以快速扫描系统注册表,识别并修复无效的注册表项,从而提升计算机的运行速度和稳定性。除此之外,该dll错误修复工具可帮助用户...
软件支持:64位软件大小:180.58MB系统:Win11、Win10 安全检测:更新时间:2024-03-04界面语言:中文版上传者:法国大革命 提取码:pw22 安装步骤 用户评论 第1步 将软件资源包下载到电脑本地,使用解压工具进行解压打开 第2步 双击应用程序打开 第3步 进入软件界面,此时即可开始使用了...
1. 首先,从可信的来源下载ltool6.dll文件。确保下载的文件是最新版本且未被篡改。 2. 下载完成后,将ltool6.dll文件复制到系统目录中。通常情况下,32位系统的目录为C:\Windows\System32,64位系统的目录为C:\Windows\SysWOW64。 3. 打开命令提示符,以管理员身份运行。在命令提示符中输入以下命令并按回车键:reg...
As the corrupted Windows operating system may result in the missing .dll error, you can repair the corrupted system file to troubleshoot. Run the Windows in-built System File Checker to help you detect and replace lost or corrupted files in your operating system. This tool can also be used...
Method 2: Use the System File Checker tool to repair User32.dll System File Checker lets you scan all protected files to verify their versions. If System File Checker discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it retrieves the correct version of the file from the c...
Go toControl Panelin Microsoft Windows. ChooseUninstall a program. Find Microsoft Office on your program list and click on it. ChooseChangefrom the toolbar at the top of the program list. In the dialog box that appears chooseQuick R...
1. Insert your Windows Vista or Windows 7 disk into the DVD player and restart the computer.2. You'll see the boxes of Language, Time and Currency and Keyboard in the next screen.3. There are two options on the lower left side. One is "Repair your computer", and the other one is...
To do so, copy your DLL file to the C:\Windows\System32 folder, and open a command prompt with admin rights. There, type “regsvr32 wups.dll” and press Enter. Method 2: Fix the missing Wups.dll error automatically With WikiDll Fixer you can automatically repair wups.dll errors. The ...