本研究拟建立血液中地芬尼多与苯海拉明的超声辅助离子液体-分散液液微萃取(ultrasound-assistedionic liquid dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, UAIL-DLLME )-液相色谱串联质谱检测方法( liquidchromatography- tandem spectrometry, LC-MS/MS),为地芬尼多与苯海拉明相关案件的法医学鉴定提供参考。以 1-丁基-3-...
试验建立了分散液相微萃取技术和高效液相色谱-串联质谱联用快速分析食用油中5种黄曲霉毒素的新方法.食用油样品先用正己烷溶解分散,再用一定比例的乙腈和水萃取,振荡漩涡离心后LC-MS/MS测定.试验对影响萃取效果的因素进行了优化,在优化试验条件下,方法的线性范围为0.06~10μg/kg,检出限为0.02~ 0.03 μg/kg,相...
Nedeljković, Development of multiresidue DLLME and QuEChERS based LC- MS/MS method for determination of selected neonicotinoid insecticides in honey liqueur, Food Res. Int. 55 (2014) 11-19.Development of multiresidue DLLME and QuEChERS based LC–MS/MS method for determination of selected ...
法国沼泽区我的旅馆酒店 (My Hotel In France Le Marais) 3等级(最高为5等级) 2 Bis Rue Commines , 第三区-圣殿-共和广场, 巴黎, 法国, 75003 - 查看地图 入住理想住宿,是美好旅程的必备要素。快来享受住宿提供的房内免费 ...
Analysis of PAHs in water and fruit juice samples by DLLME combined with LC-fluorescence detection[J]. Chromatographia, 2009, 69(11/12): 1385-1389.ZHAO Xinna,FU Lingyan,HU Jiaj et al.Analysis of PAHs in water and fruit juice samples by DLLME combined with LC-fluorescence detection[J]....
DLLME-LC-MS/MSHuman plasmaTherapeutic drug monitoringRisperidone is an antipsychotic drug commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses. Its main metabolite, 9-hydroxyrisperidone, also called paliperidone, exhibits pharmacological activity similar to risperidone, and the ...
RP-LC-PDABackground Daclatasvir is a direct-acting antiviral agent against hepatitis C virus (HCV) used for the treatment of chronic HCV genotype infections of 1 and 3. Hepatitis C is an infectious liver disease caused by infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). There are no reports found ...
0.996 based on matrix-matched calibration. We investigated the dissipation and residue distribution of fipronil in tomato fruits after one application of suspension concentrate (SC) or emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations over 28?days under field conditions using the VA-DLLME method. The half-...