通电状态下长按复位键十五秒 恢复后的原始用户名为admin 没有密码 直接回车进入路由设置页面
The factory default username isAdmin, and there is no password. You will need to register with mydlink again after a factory reset. 985people found this useful. Did you find this useful?YesNo These may also help: How do I back up the router configuration to my com...
This will bypass the need for the Wi-Fi password. Typical router addresses are,,, or for Apple. Enter this address into your browser's address bar. If this doesn't work then you can press and hold the Reset button on your router ...
dlink路由器恢复出厂设置方法:dlink路由器在电源和网线接口的旁边有一个“reset”插孔(不同型号的dlink路由器reset按钮的位置略有不同),长按reset键5秒以上,当dlink路由器的所有指示灯都熄灭,表示已经成功的恢复到了出厂设置,这是可以松开按钮。 无线网络密码忘记解决办法 ...
How do I reset my router to factory default settings? Read Answer I have forgotten my wireless password, how do I recover it? Read Answer How do I access the USB media that is connected to my router? Read Answer How do I change the Administrator password on my router? Read Answer...
If you forget the password of your D-link router, don’t worry. This segment will provide you with overall information regarding the Dlink password reset process. Follow the mentioned instructions:Open your internet browser. Enter the IP address of your router. Tap on “settings” once you ...
3.系统设置步骤 刷机成功后, 连接路由器, 默认密码为:rooter2017 在连接路由器的情况下, 浏览器访问192.168.1.1 首次访问会要求设置管理员密码 设置完后进入管理页面, 在System → Administrator → Router Password下再设置一次密码 到这里应该设置无线密码了, 但是我这版固件无法设置无线密码, 设置好应用保存后, ...
用户名:admin 密码:epicrouter实达2110EH ROUTER192.168.10.1用户名:user 密码:password用户名:root 密码:grouter神州数码/华硕:用户名:adsl 密码:adsl1234全向:用户名:root 密码:root普天:用户名:admin 密码:daree-tek用户名:admin 密码:12345zyxel用户名:anonymous 密码:1234北电用户名:anonymous 密码:12345大恒用户...
Dlinkrouter.local Password change : To begin with, we recommend changing the access code to the “Settings Panel”. To do this, perform the following actions: Open the “Tools ” tab located at the top of the panel. In the left part we find and open the item “Admin “. ...