英语缩写词DLHS,全称为"District Level Household & Facility Survey",中文直接翻译为“地区一级家庭和设施调查”。这个术语主要用于描述对特定区域内的家庭设施进行的详细评估和统计工作。DLHS代表了对社区住房设施的重要数据收集,以了解和改进公共设施的分布与使用情况。在英语中,DLHS作为一个缩写词,其...
DLHSDistrict Level Household Survey(India) DLHSDavid Lipscomb High School(Nashville, TN) DLHSDenver Lutheran High School(est. 1955; Denver, CO) DLHSDevils Lake High School(Devils Lake, ND) DLHSDivision of Life and Health Sciences(University of West Florida; Pensacola, FL) ...
Household air pollution and stillbirths in India: analysis of the DLHS-II National Survey. Environ Res. 2013;121:17–22. : 10.1016/j.envres.2012.12.004 .Lakshmi P, Virdi NK, Sharma A, Tripathy JP, Smith KR, Bates MN, et al. Household air pollution and ...
This paper is based on the secondary sources in general and the data provided by Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC 2013-14), District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-3, 2007-08) and National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3, 2005-06) in particular. The data shows that maternal health...
District Level Household and Facility Survey: 2007-08: fact sheet-India. Mumbai, India: International Institute for Population Sciences; 2010.Ram, F., Ladusingh, L., Paswan, B., Unisa, S., Prasad, R., Sekher, T. V., & Shekhar, C. (2009). District level house- hold and facility...
Assets selected to create a national wealth index from the DLHS-3 (2007–8) survey, with coding definitions.doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0110694.T004G. B. DiegoJ. DanielF. MichelleJ. D. B. AluisioPLOS ONE
Analysis of the extent and cost of caesarean section deliveries in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, India: Evidence from DLHS-3 survey*Of the total C-section deliveries in private system, in Kerala 95% (N-685) and in TN 78% (N-744)were concentrated among the uppermostquintiles (wealth index Q4 ...
Median age at marriage for women classified by age at the time of DLHS-3 survey for the major states of India.Kakoli BorkotokySayeed Unisa
Results: Overall, 80% ID has been documented in the present survey in district level. Among different variables, consumption of 100 iron folic acid (IFA) tablets and higher parity were negatively associated with higher rate of ID (coefficient = - 0.692 and ...
Data from the third round of the District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-3) 2007–2008, covering 6447 ever-married women of age 15–49 years, were used. The results reveal that about 12% women delivered their babies by C-section irrespec-tive of place of delivery, but it ...