Headquartered in North Canton, OH, dlhBOWLES is a leading provider of engineered plastic solutions for air and fluid management, serving the world’s leading automotive OEMs. The transaction was previously announced on January 5, 2022. Additional information about the transaction is available in the...
Based in North Canton, OH, dlhBOWLES is a leading designer, manufacturer and developer of automotive fluid management components. dlhBOWLES is also a recognized leader in the North American market for camera and sensor cleaning systems, windshield wash systems, sunroof drains, powertrain and chassis s...
EngineeringManufacturingFluid Management Providing engineered plastic solutions for more than 50 years, we continue to expand the application of fluid and air management technology across the globe. Leveraging the experience of dlhBOWLES partners with you on the cutting edge of quality, performance and in...
Assignee: DLHBOWLES, INC. (Canton, OH, US) International Classes: B05B1/08; B05B1/34; B05B12/06 View Patent Images: Download PDF 20190143345 Primary Examiner: PHAM, TUONGMINH NGUYEN Attorney, Agent or Firm: MCDONALD HOPKINS LLC (CLEVELAND, OH, US) Claims: 1. A nozzle assembly or ...