DLD calls on the public and customers to be cautious when dealing with various forms of real estate ads, especially fake and unlicensed ads that are posted on online platforms and social media channels. RERA regularly issues circulars and launches awareness campaigns to provide counsel and guidance ...
Of course, given the small sam- ple size, it is difficult to fully resolve the question of whether SAT performance results from poorer awareness and under- standing of others' mental states or from poorer vocabulary. Nevertheless, these findings add further support to Vissen and Koolen's (2016...
Our interactions with these computing devices represent a huge backstop of information: Our devices increasingly have a new awareness of our potential intent, the activities in which we're engaged and the environment in which we work and live. ...
First, the probability of producing the words was measured at the end of each training day as an index of the children’s ability to encode the words during training. Results were in favour of the typical group, and most interestingly, the probability of producing the words increased to the...
On the contrary, it could be argued that for recasting to be effective, children require a level of metalinguistic awareness to allow them to compare the child and adult forms [14]. In addition, to understand the nature of the correction, the child would need to be focused on the ...