v=J1rg2HAY7L8 This week we're thrilled about Life is Strange: True Colors, the new DLC for our favorite games and more. 0:00 Introduction 0:13 Twitch Gaming ID@Xbox Showcase 0:56 Life is Strange: True Colors 1:49 Necromunda: Hired Gun 2:15 Rustler 2:44 Xbox Game Pass 4:54 ...
买了帅杰克以后还缺一个无主2的DLC(莉莉丝/为避难所而战,Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary),单补要90多(打折时可到30多)。不买的话也能玩,不过会少一部分剧情、等级上限、装备和一个等级压制模式。因为该DLC略贵且只能单买,如果手头紧张可以不买,先体验其他内容。steam版有办法白嫖该DLC(搜索...
Capabilities 4K Ultra HD Single player Variable Refresh Rate 60 fps+ Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery Console Keyboard & Mouse PC Game Pad High On Life + DLC Bundle NZ$72.90+ Games includedHigh On Life Add-ons includedHigh On Life: High On KnifeGO TO GAMEPeople...
Xbox Game Studios•動作與冒險 16 種支援語言 取得GAME PASS 搭配 省下 NT$68.00 或 輔導級 12 歲 此內容已遭鎖定 輸入您的生日 描述 在Minecraft Dungeons:終極 DLC 組合包中,體驗基礎遊戲以外的故事。你已經玩過了主線故事,現在前往終界的時候到了!一邊終結統御寶珠的故事,一邊對抗無數生物、探索跨維度關卡...
Snapshot Games Inc•經典•其他•角色扮演 •模擬•策略 提出遊戲要求取得GAME PASS 搭配 省下 HK$7.80或 購買 HK$78.00 選擇版本 DLC 2 (Legacy of the Ancients) ●●● 16+ 強烈暴力 此內容需要遊戲 (個別販售)。 詳細資料 評論 更多 藝廊 此內容已遭鎖定輸入您的生日 此內容已遭鎖定輸入您的生...
Optimized for XBOX Series X|S High On Life: Game Pass DLC Bundle Squanch Games, Inc. 18+ 極度暴力、強烈語言 人類遭外星人販毒集團威脅,這個集團想把人類當成毒品。你必須救援會說話且充滿個性的槍械,並與它們成為搭檔,打倒加曼圖斯一伙人,並且拯救世界! High On Life: Game Pass DLC Bundle...
【《破晓传说》DLC首次打折!现已加入XGP和PS+会免】《#破晓传说#》已于2月20日加入Xbox Game Pass(主机+PC+云游戏)以及PlayStation Plus二档会免库,订阅这两种会员服务的玩家可以免费游玩本作。 不仅本体加入...
Note: Full version of game required to use Expansion Pass for that game. Games and Expansion Passes sold separately. You can uncover spectral surprises! The Luigi’s Mansion 3 game is a chilling-yet-charming adventure in which our green-clad hero must conquer his fear of ghosts and go save...
Today, I signed up for Game Pass for PC. I had to re-download and install DA:I. I now get the dreaded message that I am missing DLC. I saw that the recommended course of action was to talk with EA Help. So I did. And support told me to come here. A...
Ahead of Hatsune Miku's Fitness Boxing outing this September, Aksys Games has officially revealed the DLC on the way to the game. Players looking for some extra exercise will be able to purchase the Miku Exercise Editor, two background music packs, and additional costumes. Here's the full ...